Acesso virtual à CMC 2022 - Garanta seu ingresso agora!
Ganhe 3 dias de acesso à nossa conferência virtual e aprenda as mais recentes estratégias, táticas, técnicas e ferramentas que ajudarão você a dominar os pilares do marketing de conteúdo. Atualize seu ingresso a qualquer momento, se quiser prolongar o aprendizado por mais tempo.
Quarta-feira, 9 de Novembro
8 – 9 AM | • | Palestra |
9 – 12 PM | • | Planejamento |
12 – 1 PM | • | Palestra |
1 – 4 PM | • | Criação de Conteúdo |
4 – 5 PM | • | Palestra |
Quinta-feira, 10 de Novembro
8 – 9 AM | • | Palestra |
9 – 12 PM | • | Otimização de Conteúdo |
12 – 1 PM | • | Palestra |
1 – 4 PM | • | Distribuição |
4 – 5 PM | • | Palestra |
Sexta-feira, 11 de Novembro
8 – 9 AM | • | Palestra |
9 – 12 PM | • | Performance |
12 – 1 PM | • | Palestra |
1 – 4 PM | • | Certification |
4 – 5 PM | • | Palestra de encerramento |
Mais confirmações em breve
(Mais palestrantes em breve)

(Mais palestrantes em breve)

(Mais palestrantes em breve)

(Mais palestrantes em breve)
Anúncios do LinkedIn: os segredos para reduzir o custo e aumentar performance
Planeje e grave vídeos como um profissional de qualquer lugar
Fatores secretos de classificação do algoritmo do Twitter: como obter mais exposição por meio de tweets
Um guia de marketing para a geração Z

(Mais palestrantes em breve)

CMC 365 On Demand Now
Como gerar mais de 100 ideias de conteúdo eficazes
No matter how creative and productive your content team may be, continually coming up with new content ideas is often challenging and frustrating for any content team. Unfortunately, when you hit a wall and your ideas are limited, your marketing results suffer. Attend this session to learn how to generate an endless flow of new content ideas for your marketing. You’ll leave the session with clarity on how to transform your content team into a powerful ideation engine that not only generates hundreds of new content ideas, but does so in a way that truly impacts your business.
Attend this session to learn all this, and more:
- How to go inside the minds of your audience for content ideas.
- Discover how to immediately triple the number of content ideas your business generates.
- Understand the power of a content portfolio.
- See how to use the customer journey to help you expand your content coverage.
- Discover how to easily turn a single content idea into dozens through content atomization.
Target Audience: Marketing Directors, Content Marketing Directors, Content Marketing Specialists, Content Creators

Tom Shapiro
Tom Shapiro é CEO da Stratabeat, Inc. uma agência de marketing, branding e web design B2B. Ao longo de sua carreira, Shapiro desenvolveu estratégias de marketing para vários líderes de mercado, incluindo Intel, AT&T, Hewlett-Packard, UnitedHealthcare e P&G. Anteriormente, Shapiro foi Diretor de Estratégia Digital na agência de marketing digital iProspect. Durante seus cinco anos na empresa, o número de funcionários cresceu de 85 para mais de 700. Shapiro tem uma profunda paixão por neuromarketing, psicologia e ciência comportamental, e seus insights foram publicados no Chief Marketer, CMO.com, CNN. com, Forbes, MarketingProfs, entre outros. O livro de Shapiro "Rethink Your Marketing" está disponível na Amazon.com.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
O modelo de funil perfeito
Each day, it’s getting more difficult (and expensive) to acquire your ideal customer. EVERY industry is feeling this, whether you sell large scale B2B solutions to a local mom and pop shop that’s just dipping toes into digital marketing.
That’s why marketers need to make sure they’re getting the most out of every click, lead, and conversion. That’s where the perfect funnel, yes funnel, blueprint comes in.
Attend this session to learn…
- Offer types and positioning that turn clicks into customers
- Email formulas that move leads to prospects, prospects to customers, and customers to long-term evangelists
- Retargeting strategies at each stage to catch th 98% of folks who DON’T convert
- Real world examples and results so you know this isn’t all just theory
Target Audience: Marketing Directors, Email Marketers, Content Creators, Performance Marketers

Justin Rondeau
Justin Rondeau é o diretor de otimização da DigitalMarketer e administra todos os esforços de otimização da DM, desenvolveu um curso rigoroso de análise e otimização e certificou centenas de profissionais de otimização e análise. Nomeado um dos 25 profissionais de CRO mais influentes, Rondeau passou toda a sua carreira trabalhando em campanhas de otimização e ajudou a treinar algumas das principais equipes de otimização em empresas da Fortune 500. A Rondeau executou centenas de testes para marcas B2B e de comércio eletrônico e analisou mais de 3.000 testes de divisão em praticamente todos os setores.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Don't Be A Bland Brand: 7 Snappy Ways to get Real for Better Results
Is your brand the wallflower of the social media party, missing out on all the fun? Standing out online in all the right ways means finding your unique brand personality, and flaunting it throughout your customer journey. That doesn't mean you need to be the loudest or most outrageous. It means you must find the most effective and authentic ways to communicate with your audience, creating much deeper connections along the way.
Attend this session, and learn 7 tactics for brand betterment:
- Align your brand core values in your reactive and planned content
- Stop the hamster wheel of content development - repurposing existing content
- On-Site and virtual content captures for company evergreen content
- Speak to your strengths by sourcing content from negative competitor reviews
- Activate employees to post and share with Linkedin notifications
- Showcase personality in review response with secret hacks
- Learn content content development hacks for visual communication
Target Audience: Brand Managers, Marketing Managers, Social Media Managers, Content Marketers

Beth Trejo
Beth Trejo é a líder, mentora, portadora da tocha, inovadora, fundadora e CEO da Chatterkick. Como uma empreendedora pioneira, Beth adora correr riscos, e começar a Chatterkick em 2012 foi o maior até agora. Desafiando as probabilidades de start-ups fundadas por mulheres bem-sucedidas, Beth não apenas prevaleceu, ela fez sua empresa crescer com uma equipe predominantemente feminina. Beth começou sua agência de mídia social com muitos objetivos em mente, como redefinir como as empresas se conectam com as pessoas e fornecer uma conexão humana no mundo digital. Mas ela também tinha o objetivo deliberado de promover o papel das mulheres na indústria de tecnologia e aumentar o potencial das mulheres Siouxland para criar uma mudança real na comunidade. Beth é mentora local de mulheres e organizações sem fins lucrativos porque acredita que a alta tecnologia oferece uma carreira gratificante e única – e lançou um podcast para conectar líderes femininas em todo o estado de Iowa. Ela incorpora sua paixão pelo cenário digital e pelas mídias sociais em quase todas as funções que conheceu, desde seu ofício como empreendedora e defensora de negócios locais até sua vocação como esposa e mãe de dois filhos conhecedores de tecnologia. Ela é gentil, ela é generosa e ela é uma força.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Not Thought Leadership Marketing, Thought Followship Marketing
Plain and simple, your prospects are tired of vendors reaching out to them to pitch solutions. But what if you were reaching out to join forces with them to make a powerful impact on the world, with them as the hero? Attend this session to learn how to stop making your brand the hero, and instead make your client the hero to boost your trajectory. Learn to map out a way to make the world a better place, for both you and your client, by aligning forces and audiences on the thought leadership stage. Even better, learn how to boost your response rates from 5% to 20% with proven tactics and techniques.
Attend this session and learn how to…
- Align your content around a purpose to position your brand as a powerful force for change
- Flip the script on thought leadership by making your prospects the heroes
- Breakthrough no-reply-hell and turn gatekeepers into allies
- Recast your CTAs as CTPs (calls to purpose) and build amazing relationships with your targets
Target Audience: Brand/Marketing leaders in high-ticket B2B, Business Leaders, Agencies

Colt Briner
Como fundador e CEO da Scrappy AF Marketing, Colt ajuda as organizações em estágio intermediário a aplicar criatividade e estratégia para capturar participação de mercado de empresas estabelecidas no setor e construir caminhos para novos mercados. Ele aproveita estratégias fortes com execução criativa para ajudar empresas e setores a crescer rapidamente gastando menos. Colt também é cofundadora da Rad Creative, um grupo de consultoria global especializado na aplicação de ciências cognitivas e coaching criativo para liberar o potencial radical em empresas e comunidades. Ele educa e inspira o público como palestrante desde 2010, com experiência em marketing desconexo, liderança empresarial orientada por propósitos, aumento da criatividade e capitalização das oportunidades da era exponencial. Seu marketing orientado a resultados combina estratégia rica com aplicação profundamente prática - e um pouco de humor - para garantir que seus ouvintes saiam equipados para ter sucesso como melhores profissionais de marketing e melhores líderes.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Construindo seu motor de Autoridade de Conteúdo
Thought Leadership Content is more important than ever before and an integral part of the marketing mix. However extracting, packaging and distributing compelling thought leadership can be a challenge - whether you're doing it for yourself or for others.
In this session, you'll learn a complete system for how develop a robust thought leadership content system in a way that's sustainable and delivers bottom-line business results.
You’ll leave with a clear actionable production framework you can apply to your own business or brand.
Whether you're just getting started or you've been at it for a while, this session will give you the tools and strategies you need to take your thought leadership to the next level.

Nina Christian
Nina Christian é uma premiada especialista global em branding e marketing. Por quase três décadas, ela trabalhou com pequenas empresas, grandes corporações e startups, ajudando-as a construir suas marcas e transmitir sua mensagem a mais pessoas. Em 2000, ela fundou a agência de marketing Braveda, que foi nomeada "Melhor Agência de Marketing" no Australian Marketing Excellence Awards. Compreende tanto o empreendedorismo como o marketing, tendo criado e desenvolvido várias marcas próprias ao longo dos anos, incluindo a saída bem sucedida de uma marca de renome internacional. Ela tem um talento especial para simplificar o complexo que vem de ser uma mãe prática para cinco filhos pequenos, e usa isso para transformar atividades de sugadores de tempo em sistemas e processos fáceis de seguir que obtêm resultados rapidamente. Ela é Certified Practicing Marketer (CPM), membro do Australian Marketing Institute & State Chair of Victoria e mentora de inúmeros profissionais de marketing e empreendedores em todo o mundo por meio de seus programas e iniciativas de impacto social.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Corte os excessos para tornar seu conteúdo mais autêntico
Does your brand pass the authenticity smell test? We’ve all interacted with brands that felt like corporate robots. Brands that needed a heavy dose of human behind them. We’ve also interacted with brands that felt real and alive. Attend this session to learn how to be even more competitive in todays market with real, human connection your customer now demand. Learn how authenticity plays a big role, with real-world examples that share what authenticity is and is not. Leave with clarity on how authenticity plays a critical role in the digital experience you’re crafting. And how you can leverage a simple authenticity audit to make sure your brand comes across as genuine with each-and-every customer interaction.

Donna Mostrom
Donna Mostrom está no marketing há mais de 12 anos. Por meio de sua empresa, Damn Smart Marketing, ela fornece estratégia de conteúdo, redação e serviços de UX de sites para empresas de médio a grande porte. Donna usa o poder da autenticidade para ajudar seus clientes a construir seus públicos e criar conteúdo que agregue valor em cada ponto de contato. Ela trabalhou com grandes empresas como Walmart.com, Hershey's, Starbucks, L'Oreal e Convince & Convert, além de organizações sem fins lucrativos e startups. Fora do trabalho, Donna é mãe de dois meninos pequenos e dois schnauzers miniatura. Ela adora ioga, caminhadas, vinho tinto e uísque. Ela e seu marido, Stephen, vivem em Chandler, Arizona.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Pump Up Your Content Power
The more productive you can be as a writer, the more content you can create… and get paid for! This session will show you how you can take advantage of your brain’s most powerful time in the day for writing and how to set yourself up for success, each and every day. You’ll discover how to leverage your unique mind to make writing feel easier, and leave the session with a concrete plan for scheduling your work to maximize productivity.
Attend this session and learn all this and more:
- Your sleep chronotype (and why that matters)
- How to use your own energy flow during the day for maximum output
- How to manage distractions while you write

Jennifer Jank
Jennifer “JJ” Jank ajuda as equipes a hackear seus cérebros para um melhor desempenho, e seu objetivo é ajudar os empreendedores, especialmente as mulheres, a projetar seus negócios para serem mais produtivos para que todos na empresa alcancem o equilíbrio ideal entre vida profissional e pessoal. Ela pode ser encontrada em seu site, www.jenniferjank.com, bem como no LinkedIn.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Become the #1 Authority in Your Industry for $1 a Day
Marketing is less about selling and more about reputation. Attend this session to learn how to boost your professional reputation for both you and your company, all for a Dollar a Day! You’ll go way beyond "influencer marketing" by learning how to get your clients and customers to blaze the trail of influence for you, based on your skill, savvy, and earned trust along the way.
Attend this session and get all this, and more…
- The playbook for building your own Content Factory
- Details on how to build a 4-stage process for success
- How to produce, process, post, and promote using virtual assistants
- How to transform your team into a content marketing powerhouse

Dennis Yu
Dennis Yu is CEO of BlitzMetrics. He is an internationally recognized lecturer in Facebook marketing, having been featured on National Public Radio, TechCrunch, Fox News, AllFacebook, CBS Evening News, and KTLA-TV. He has spoken at Search Marketing Expo, Search Engine Strategies, Web 2.0, The American Marketing Association, PubCon, Conversational Commerce Conference, Pacific Conferences, HostingCon, Affiliate Summit, Affiliate Convention, UltraLight Startups, and other venues. Yu has also counselled the Federal Trade Commission on privacy issues for social networks. Dennis has held leadership positions at Yahoo! and American Airlines. His educational background is Finance and Economics from Southern Methodist University and London School of Economics.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Pay Attention! Getting, Keeping, and Using Attention
All marketing and communications have one objective: getting attention. But most businesses don’t stop to think about WHO they want to engage with and how. Join this session to identify the type of attention your business needs, how to create the content that will resonate, and how to continuously drive audiences from awareness to advocacy with their attention earned and enjoyed along the way.
Attend this session and learn how to…
- Determine what level of attention your business needs
- Generate diverse content that resonates with your audience
- Nurture your audiences to become your biggest advocate

Cass Bailey
Cassandra (Cass) M. Bailey is the CEO of Slice Communications, founder of Social Media Day, and book author of Pay Attention! and Social Media is About People. She believes that integrated public relations, social media, and email marketing efforts are critical for growing businesses and non-profits looking to accomplish their goals. She’s a contributor with Forbes, Philadelphia Magazine, Black Enterprise Magazine, The Next Web, and a number of other publications, with appearances on Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, and The Today Show. Named a Rising Star by the Womens Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), Cass has also received the Brava award from Philadelphia Smart CEO and serves her community on boards for Entrepreneurs Organization of Philadelphia, Business Leadership Forum at The Union League of Philadelphia, Small Business Board at the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, Tree House Books, Pennsylvania 30 Day Fund, and Hope Works.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
How to create a behavioral, data-driven content strategy that converts
Content marketing is guilty of a cardinal sin: Random Acts of Content. Disconnected content strategies drive poor demand generation results. In this B2B example packed session, you'll uncover how to turn your content strategy into a plan that helps you connect behaviorally and collect the data you need to convert more sales. We'll deep dive into the types of content you need for growth and conversion.
You’ll learn how to:
- apture interest and educate leads
- Progressively profile your prospects
- Move leads from MQL to SQL
- Understand behavior and anticipate engagement
- Build content for Data Anchors

Kenda Macdonald
Kenda Macdonald is a forensic psychology major and the founder of Automation Ninjas. She is an international keynote speaker, a multi-award-winning businesswoman, a doting cat mom, and the author of the best selling book: Hack The Buyer Brain. Her biggest bugbear is how “modern” marketing doesn’t take consumer behaviour into consideration. Her mission is to fix that. Over years of insight through growing Automation Ninjas into an award-winning agency, becoming the UK’s leading behavioural automation agency through this behaviour first approach, Kenda has distilled her marketing knowledge and combined it with psychology proficiency.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Don't Ask, Give! How to Create Winning Influencer Partnerships
Getting the most out of your influencer marketing campaigns is challenging, to say the least. Attend this session and learn the 10 steps for success, focused on relationships, not transactions, to drive more likes and more sales. Three case studies will show you the way, including an award-winning case boosting sales 457% year to year. Leave with a clear blueprint and step-by-step instructions on how to use next-gen tools to locate influencers, track UGC, and stay organized along the way.
Attend this session and learn how to…
- Identify the best influencers
- Select and negotiate campaigns
- Craft outreach campaigns
- Enlighten influence on your product distinction
- Track organic post success
- Run paid Facebook ads for amplification
- Stay organized and track performance
Target Audience: Marketing Directors, Content Marketers, Content Creators, Social Media Managers, Agency Owners, Freelancers

Cody Wittick
Cody Wittick é co-fundador e co-CEO da Kynship, uma agência de marketing de influenciadores localizada em Orange County, CA. Antes de co-fundar a Kynship, Cody começou sua jornada na QALO, a marca que criou o anel de casamento de silicone. Ao longo de seu tempo lá, ele construiu um programa de influenciadores robusto de mais de 500 influenciadores, tudo através da base da propagação. Isso incluiu a contratação de milhares de microinfluenciadores em uma variedade de setores para produzir UGC mensal e posts orgânicos, além de trabalhar com nomes conhecidos como Lebron James, Jason Aldean, Mike Trout e Dale Earnhardt Jr. , ele viu o poder da capacidade do influenciador de criar confiança e, finalmente, vender produtos na publicidade do Facebook e do Instagram.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Marketing ágil: a estrutura definitiva de cocriação
The content creation and approval process is time consuming and, at times, stressful. What if your team and your clients worked together right from the start to create the exact content needed to reach your ideal audience? Attend this session to learn the impact of continuous integration during the content creation process and four agile practices that directly impact teams to work smarter, faster and produce more content using less resources while reporting less stress in their work environment.
Learn all this, and a lot more:
- What it means to have an agile mindset
- Which four agile practices can transform small teams
- What tools are agile-friendly and allow for continuous integration
- How to implement agile methodology in your content creation process
Target Audience: Marketing Directors, Content Marketers, Content Creators, Social Media Managers, Agency Owners, Freelancers

Dorien Morin-Van Dam
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Checklist para humanizar seu conteúdo digital
The key to creating a product that is humanized isn’t just about finding places and ways to connect with something approximating a human; it’s about using a product that makes users feel human. Get the checklist for creating humanized digital experiences, with examples of how marketers should focus on empathy, clarity, satisfaction, delight, and trust when designing interactive content.
Attend this session to learn how to…
- Keep the human experience in mind as you design digital content
- Humanize all customer touchpoints—the twelves touchpoints you should focus on, and the questions you should ask yourself at each stop
- Discover the five factors human’s value, and how to prioritize those in your content
Target Audience: Marketing Directors, Content Marketers, Content Creators, Social Media Managers, Agency Owners, Freelancers

Alex Kelly
Alex supervisiona uma equipe de marketing de crescimento que inclui aquisição paga, SEO, campanhas integradas, eventos e operações de marketing, trabalhando com marcas como NBC Universal, Monster.com, JP Morgan, Wall Street Journal, United Airlines e United Healthcare para criar conteúdo imersivo experiências e implementar programas de marketing digital modernos que geram receita com eficiência. Antes da Ceros, ele foi um profissional de marketing de geração de demanda na Datadog e desenvolveu estratégias de inbound marketing para vários clientes em imóveis, tecnologia e educação na agência parceira da HubSpot Ironpaper.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
40 são os novos 30: como gerar impacto entre gerações
Age is just a number—and a dated customer segmentation strategy. Marketers flock to meet (and separate) the interests of Boomers, Millennials, and Gen Z. Yet, shifts in tech and content consumption have led to habits across generations becoming even more blended. Learn how preconceived notions about demographics result in missed opportunities to connect with meaningful audiences. And how marketers should focus more on building multi-generational connections to create memorable experiences—resulting in fresh experiences for core audiences and beyond.
Attend this session to learn how to…
- Create memorable connections through experiential marketing— from content, to delivery, to engagement— that impact multi-generations to increase your target audience impact.
- Un-learn preconceived notions about demographics that are causing you to lose valuable opportunities to connect with consumers relevant to your brand by creating human connections.
- Take unexpected social media approaches, from paid to organic content, to garner attention from the core, as well as new audiences.

Gina Michnowicz
Gina é CEO e Diretora Executiva de Criação da The Craftsman Agency, onde se concentra na criação de momentos mágicos por meio de marketing experiencial personalizado e narrativa imersiva para marcas B2B e B2C. Com clientes anteriores, incluindo Cisco, Disney, Paramount e Microsoft, Gina liderou projetos desde o conceito até a entrega de experiências digitais imersivas, instalações experimentais, sites e campanhas publicitárias sob medida. O trabalho de Gina abrange desde marketing e vendas dentro de marcas, até agências e consultoria de gestão. Seu tempo em consultoria de gestão fortaleceu sua capacidade de pensar de forma estratégica e criativa, levando as equipes a empurrar o envelope com um trabalho que surpreende e intriga clientes em potencial.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Como explorar o humor para construir empatia e compreensão
When it comes to using humor in content marketing campaigns, content creators can find lots of conflicting advice: “Just toss in some metaphors " or "snap together a funny story-- that should do it" or “Don’t try to be funny—it’s too dangerous." But humor is more than just a spice to sprinkle on top of content—when baked into the content, it can create a lasting bond between your audience and your message. Attend this session to learn the 4 principles of baked-in, relationship-based humor, and how you can use each principle to build humor into your content and messages. And leave with clarity on how to better communicate the why’s and how’s of using relationship-based humor to transform browsers into buyers.
Attend this session and learn...
- The 4 principles of success with relationship-based humor
- How to apply these 4 principles to your content projects
- Fabulous examples and epic failures of funny and not-so-funny content
- Good risk vs. bad risk in humor and how to tell them apart (spoiler alert: the secret is empathy)

C.J. Gower
Jamie Gower é um escritor/produtor que ajuda os clientes de tecnologia da Fortune 500 a usar o humor para se conectar com seu público, mantendo-se preciso e autoritário. Vídeos, webcomics, sites, até telas iniciais de smartphones e falsos talk shows noturnos — Jamie cria cenários e conteúdo que falam com uma voz humana e divertida. Como comediante, ele se apresentou para o público de compra de ingressos ao vivo de Seattle ao Edinburgh Fringe. Como cineasta, seus premiados curtas de comédia apareceram em mais de uma dúzia de festivais de cinema nos EUA e na Europa.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
The Secrets to Creating Inspired B2B Content Experiences
B2B marketers are creating more digital content than ever with expectations of performance in the spotlight of every executive pulling the trigger on tentative marketing budgets. However, it's no longer enough for B2B brands to inform audiences with the same "boring to boring" content. Modern B2B customers want to be informed but also inspired, to feel something. But what's the secret to creating inspired content experiences?
In this presentation from TopRank Marketing CEO Lee Odden, you'll learn these secrets:
- The Facts Tell, Stories Sell Approach to Content
- How to Use OPC to Inspire Your ICP
- Top Tactics B2B Leaders Use to Elevate B2B Content

Lee Odden
Lee é estrategista de marketing, autor, palestrante e CEO da TopRank Marketing, uma agência de marketing digital que atende algumas das principais marcas do mundo com consultoria de conteúdo, pesquisa, mídia social e marketing de influenciadores. Citado pelo The Wall Street Journal, The Economist e Forbes por sua experiência em marketing, Lee evangelizou uma abordagem integrada de marketing e relações públicas em quase 200 eventos de palestras em 16 países diferentes e por meio de um blog premiado no toprankblog.com.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Your Product Experience is Content Too
Got a complex, difficult-to-explain product? Stop marketing the features and functions and start showing how your solution makes customers smarter, faster, and more successful. Even better – give them a taste of the results so they get hungry for more.
Attend this session to learn exciting ways to offer a slimmed-down version of your product to create interactive demos, engaging trial experiences, and freemium offers that convert paying customers. Your options for implementing product-based content depend on your tech, your stage of growth, and the types of customers you want to attract. This presentation will share examples of successful approaches and demonstrate how to leverage them to accelerate growth.
You’ll learn how to:
- Tell product stories with interactive, story-based demos
- Position freemium products and free trials within your overall marketing and sales strategy
- Integrate triggers to get customers to that all-important “aha” moment
- Set up key milestones and metrics to track progress toward your goals
Target Audience: Content Marketers, Product Marketers, or Technology Product Marketers(B2B or B2C)

Margie Agin
Margie Agin ajuda as empresas de tecnologia B2B a descobrir o que as torna únicas e a encontrar as palavras para dizê-lo. Ela é fundadora e estrategista-chefe da Centerboard Marketing e autora de “Brand Breakthrough”. Ela ajudou empresas nos setores de segurança cibernética, comunicações, EdTech e software a destilar tópicos complexos em conteúdo e campanhas que impulsionam a ação. Ela liderou os esforços de geração de demanda para Blackboard e marketing digital para Tandberg e Cisco. Ela também ensinou marketing de conteúdo e redação para web na Johns Hopkins University.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
How to Publish a Year’s Worth of Content From One Research Study
Cranking out an endless stream of content that engages your audience and transforms them from believers to buyers seems impossible. Until now. Attend this session to learn how one research project can establish your brand as an authority, and provide the base camp you need to keep the content flowing and leads converting to achieve y our marketing goals. Learn that with the right mindset, you can craft story-worthy survey questions that will propel your content forward. And leave with a solid plan on how to create a survey from the ground up and use your data and insights to carry forward to multiple formats and channels.
Attend this session and learn all this, and more…
- Six types of survey questions to fuel your editorial calendar
- Customizable framework for publishing consistency
- Fifty+ examples of how to repurpose your research project

Michele Linn
Michele é uma guru do marketing de conteúdo, tendo trabalhado na área desde seus primeiros dias. Ela é cofundadora da Mantis Research, que publica e destaca pesquisas em marketing. Ela escreveu e publicou centenas de artigos sobre o assunto, sendo reconhecida como uma das Top Women in Media da Folio em 2015. Michele se formou como chefe editorial do Content Marketing Institute. Ela foi a primeira funcionária contratada lá e ajudou a organização a crescer para um público de 200.000 assinantes. Ela também não é estranha aos podcasts, tendo co-hospedado o Marketing Breakout Podcast por seis meses.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
How to Write Copy That Actually Converts
If you're getting campaign ideas and inspiration from your competitors, you're likely following the herd of mediocracy and not getting the fuel you need to stand out from the pack. Attend this session to learn proven methodology and techniques to find unique positioning for your story, campaigns, products, and/or services. And leave with clarity on how to craft better messages and copy that transforms browsers into believers that actually convert.
Attend this session and learn....
- 5 methods to find high-converting, engaging product positioning and messaging
- How to find creative ideas and triggers for greatness — without being creative
- Patterns of success from high-converting ad campaigns and website landing pages
- How to craft copy that makes your brand stand-out in a sea of boring competitors

Liz Willits
Liz Willits is a marketing expert, business owner, and conversion copywriter who guides the copy and content strategies of some of the fastest-growing tech companies in the world. She's worked in B2B SaaS marketing for nearly a decade and is a marketing instructor at the University of Vermont.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Effective Delegation: The Missing Ingredient for Most eCommerce/SEO Business Owners
Are you running out of time? Are you working more than anyone else in your own company, yet you can’t seem to scale your business? Join this session to learn how to empower your employees to take full responsibility for their jobs and bring in results faster than ever. You will learn simple and actionable ways to delegate work to your staff and scale your business rapidly while working a lot less.
Attend this session to learn….
- How to identify what and when you need to delegate
- Why is it harmful to your business to delegate the wrong tasks
- Empower your staff through effective communication
Target Audience: CEOs, Managers, Business Owners, Directors, Team Leads

Mads Singers
Mads has more than 10 years of experience in Fortune 500 companies, such as Xerox and IBM, and more than 10 years of experience coaching and consulting online entrepreneurs on Management & Outsourcing. He has also spoken at many larger events such as CMSEO, TiECon, DCBKK, DMSS Bali, SEO Spring Training, SEODay, 7 Figure Seller Summit and the Survive and Thrive Ecommerce Summit. Mads currently owns and runs 5 companies, and manages more than 150 people, he doesn't just talk the talk, he walks the walk. As well as being a management expert, Mads is also an expert on growing and scaling an online business, and he is one of the industry experts in the DiSC methodology, which is a cornerstone in his management philosophy and he shares his knowledge through the Effective Management Mastery course & community.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Autoridade de domínio e redução de riscos: como aumentar a eficiência do conteúdo
You know the concept of “Your car loses value the moment you drive it off the lot”? It’s the same thing when you publish a piece of content and never revisit it. You can’t rely on one piece of content to power traffic anymore. If one piece doesn't perform well, it impacts your authority and the cost of every piece of content increases and your chance at performing well is at risk. You need an ecosystem of content that is consistently maintained and optimized.
Learn how to increase your content efficiency and reduce risk in this session. And learn the framework to ensure each piece of content drives the impact it should so you can maximize your investment.
Attend this session to learn how to…
- Identify at-risk content
- Build clusters at scale
- Publish the best possible content the first time around
- Understand when to go back and update
Target Audience: SEOs, content marketers, content strategist, content creators

Jeff Coyle
Jeff é cofundador e diretor de produtos da MarketMuse, onde se concentra em ajudar profissionais de marketing de conteúdo, profissionais de marketing de mecanismos de pesquisa, agências e editores a construir autoridade tópica, melhorar a qualidade do conteúdo e transformar pesquisas semânticas em insights acionáveis. Antes de ingressar como cofundador da MarketMuse, Jeff possuía e operava sua própria consultoria de inbound marketing e gerenciou a equipe de Tráfego, Pesquisa e Engajamento da TechTarget, líder em publicação de tecnologia B2B e geração de leads.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
3 maneiras únicas de alavancar a pesquisa de palavras-chave
Content marketers and SEOs often treat keyword research as a necessary evil, something to check off the list before moving to bigger and better things. But what if this oversight leaves untapped potential hidden in your keyword research? During this session, you'll learn how to gain insights from keyword research to inform messaging, how to map intention to user journey to inform page depth optimizations, and how to leverage keyword data to prioritize content opportunities. By surfacing intention from keyword research, you’ll fortify your smartitude with new tactics for your content arsenal.
Attend this session and learn how to..
- Perform emotional keyword research
- Organize keywords by intention
- Leverage keyword research to inform asset creation
- Use keyword data as an input in content prioritization
Target Audience: Content Marketers, SEOs, Content Creators, Storytellers

Katie Tweedy
Começando sua carreira na Collective Measures há mais de uma década, Katie traz uma abordagem estratégica e genuinamente entusiasmada para todas as coisas SEO de conteúdo e marketing de conteúdo. Com experiência em marcas como Cargill, Land O'Lakes e Room & Board, Katie cria estratégias de conteúdo que maximizam a visibilidade da pesquisa e envolvem o público em toda a jornada do consumidor. Ela acredita firmemente que, quando se trata de conteúdo, tudo está enraizado em dados. Em outras palavras, ela combina ciência e narrativa para ajudar seus clientes a atingir seus objetivos de negócios.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Superando desafios estratégicos no marketing de conteúdo
How do you develop a content marketing strategy when you have seemingly insurmountable challenges to overcome? Attend this session to learn how to develop a cost-effective integrated content marketing plan that scales. Get the framework you need with “scrappy” strategies to reap rewards from the toughest challenges like low volume keyword, narrow target audience, and limited budget. And learn to pinpoint high intention moments in the customer journey to improve conversion rates and capture competitors market share, so you can get the return you demand from content marketing investment.
Attend this session to learn how to..
- Analyze core content marketing strategy needs
- Develop a template to articulate content marketing objectives and goals
- Build a KPI Dashboard to measure results and drive optimization goals
Target Audience: Growth marketers, Brand Managers, Marketing Directors, Storytelling-driven Content Marketers who hate SEO.

Jennifer Apy
Jennifer Apy é uma profissional de marketing de crescimento que defende a causa de marcas inovadoras e voltadas para a comunidade que são apaixonadas por seus clientes. Ao alavancar insights sobre a empresa, clientes e concorrentes, ela trabalha com marcas para desenvolver um roteiro para o sucesso que muitas vezes supera as probabilidades imbatíveis de marketing. Ela construiu sua carreira de marketing trabalhando com empresas da Fortune 500 e startups, de marcas de consumo (Discovery Toys, American Girl) a empresas de software corporativo (Adobe, Intuit) e startups que conseguiram saídas bem-sucedidas nos últimos anos. Atualmente, ela é sócia e CMO da Chief Outsiders, atendendo várias SMBs como diretora de marketing fracionária em meio período.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Faça isso, não aquilo: dê um boom na sua estratégia de email marketing
Content is king when it comes to successful marketing initiatives. But, ensuring that your intended audience is actually receiving and engaging with this content is critical for success. Attend this session to learn proven techniques for driving strong email marketing results for content strategists. Converting customer engagement goes beyond just opening that initial email; it includes the full lifecycle from email subject lines, online forms, to mobile landing pages and online navigation bars. Whether you’re a marketer for a startup, B2C or B2B company, email marketing can significantly support your business efforts for driving engagement for your latest content.
Learn all this, and more…
- Small changes to your email creative, landing pages and overall setup that will radically improve your marketing ROI
- Simple and quick tweaks to double open rates for your email campaigns
- The power of subject lines and how specific words can make your email standout
- The best days and ideal frequencies for sending emails
Target Audience: Content Strategist, Brand Managers, Marketing Directors and Content Marketers.

Jay Schwedelson
Jay Schwedelson is the founder of SubjectLine.com, the leading free subject-line rating tool ranked in the top 1% of all websites worldwide. Having led SubjectLine.com through the testing of more than 12 million subject lines, Jay uses his knowledge to guide organizations across multiple industries on how to implement impactful email marketing. Jay is also the president and CEO of Worldata Group, a multi-brand marketing services company whose portfolio includes Subjectline.com, Outcome Media and Guru Events which puts on the GURU conference, the world’s largest email marketing event.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
New “Helpful Content” Ranking Strategy: Use Social Behavior and Audience Intelligence Data
Google’s latest “Helpful Content” ranking update is certainly changing the landscape for search optimization marketing, leaving old techniques like keyword stuffing in the dust. It turns out that creating content for people, not bots, is what matters to Google, and that’s good news for us all. Attend this session to learn what’s new and what’s next with search optimization, and how to improve your SEO content strategy by using social behavioral and audience intelligence data to forge an “audience-first SEO” approach to content creation and re-creation, delivering the results you demand from your content marketing investments.
Attend this session and learn how to…
- Develop Audience-First SEO Personas, and why they matter
- Integrate keyword intelligence with audience intelligence
- Survey search landscape to find SEO competitors
- Create and analyze an audience intelligence report
- Use SEO Persona Insights for SEO Topic Modeling
Target Audience: Content Marketers, SEOs, Digital Marketers, Content Creators, Storytellers.

Rory Hope
Rory é um profissional de SEO e growth marketing altamente experiente na formulação de estratégias de SEO bem-sucedidas, projetadas para fornecer um ROI claro, crescimento de SEO e receitas multimilionárias para organizações globais. Ele tem mais de oito anos de experiência em escalar uma agência e trabalhando com algumas das empresas de SaaS mais bem-sucedidas do mundo. Rory é apaixonado por desenvolver estratégias de canais integrados e compartilhar seu conhecimento sobre como usar insights de público para otimizar estratégias de SEO. Ele já foi destaque no INBOUND22, BrightonSEO, Semrush, OnCrawl, Content Marketing Institute e Audiense.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
10 Positioning Strategies to Make your Product/Service 10X Valuable
We have virtually unlimited traffic available to us today, with inexpensive options like DMs, groups, content, cold email, and paid media at scale. But with all this access, why do we still struggle to get right-sized paying customers and clients that align with our services and solutions. It turns out that it's not about the traffic, it’s about turning your product into an irresistible offer that sells to the right person, at the right time. Attend this session to learn the 10 positioning strategies that will help your business convert more browsers into believers, and believers into buyers, with increased prices that align with your solutions.
Learn all this and more!
- Advanced Risk-Reversal Techniques to convert traffic
- Tactics to De-Commoditizing Your Business
- Secrets behind the $120 Cheesesteak
- How to create your own ‘Purple Ocean’
- How to 10X your services value without changing the deliverables
Target Audience: Marketing Professionals and Founders in the Information and Software Industry

Paul Sanders
Paul Sanders is the CEO of Offer Economics - a consulting firm that helps Education Companies make their backend products up to 10X more valuable through dynamic market positioning. His experience started 6 years ago in a struggling startup about to go under days before Christmas. He constructed a single compelling offer which enabled the fledgling startup to cashflow their traffic and go on to bring in over one million dollars the next year. Today Paul helps companies in 3 continents convert more traffic, increase prices and close clients by turning products into high value, irresistible offers.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
An Inside Look into Profitable YouTube Ad Campaigns and the Strategies that Make it Happen
YouTube Ads can be tough to crack, while other Ad platforms have seen CPA costs rise with reduced tracking abilities. But if you can make YouTube Ads work, it can be your strongest source of qualified leads and sales. Learn the strategies that will help you to create profitable YouTube Ad Campaigns, and get an inside look into Campaigns that are highly profitable. You'll see the strategies that are working in SASS, E-commerce, Education, and coaching.
Learn all this, and more…
- How to make a Video Ad that Converts
- The Strongest performing Targeting Types
- Setting to Avoid Wasting Money
- How to Measure Success

Marlon Doll
Marlon Doll é o fundador e estrategista líder de vídeo da Vireo Video Marketing. Ele é um consultor certificado pelo YouTube em crescimento de público e gerenciamento de direitos digitais. Na Vireo Video, ele ajuda os clientes a desenvolver estratégias eficazes de conteúdo de vídeo que convertem espectadores em clientes. Marlon e sua equipe são especializados em publicidade em vídeo na maioria das principais plataformas, otimização de SEO em vídeo orgânico e implementação de campanhas estratégicas de crescimento e conversão com vídeo nativo e conteúdo de marca. Anteriormente, ele trabalhou na maior rede do YouTube do mundo, BroadbandTV, como gerente de desenvolvimento de público para algumas das maiores gravadoras, artistas e hubs de música independente do mundo. Ele também produz e apresenta um programa de culinária semanal chamado "Bachelor on a Budget" que ensina as pessoas a criar refeições saudáveis e acessíveis. O canal cresceu para mais de 40.000 inscritos e recebe mais de 200.000 visualizações mensais por meio do crescimento orgânico.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Anúncios do LinkedIn: os segredos para reduzir o custo e aumentar performance
LinkedIn Ads generally have the greatest targeting for B2B companies of any platform, but if you've advertised there before, you'll know that you pay a large premium to access that amazing targeting. Because the costs are high, any mistake you make becomes an expensive mistake, which puts marketers in a tough spot. Attend this session to learn how to de-risk the platform with the best tools to crush your lead generation goals.
Attend this session to learn all this, and more!
- Who should and shouldn't advertise on LinkedIn
- Which ad formats you should use
- How to pay less for your traffic than your competitors
- And much more
Target Audience: Whether you're brand new to LinkedIn advertising or a seasoned user, you'll get valuable insight from this session.

AJ Wilcox
AJ Wilcox é um profissional do LinkedIn Ads que fundou a B2Linked.com, uma agência específica do LinkedIn Ads, em 2014. Como parceiros oficiais do LinkedIn, eles gerenciam uma das contas de publicidade mais sofisticadas do mundo. Ele é ruivo e triatleta. Ele e sua esposa moram em Utah, com seus 4 filhos, e seu carro da empresa é um kart extremamente rápido.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Planeje e grave vídeos como um profissional de qualquer lugar
Are you scrambling with video and winging it along the way? Learn the new systematic approach to save time and avoid video burnout. Get the step-by-step breakdown for a flawless setup and workflow. And discover the stress-free approach that will boost your confidence and deliver quality presentations you’re proud to share with your teams and audiences.
Attend this session to get….
- Essential do’s and don'ts for DIY video setup
- Video content planning template for video strategy mastery
- Presentation tips to avoid memorizing the script
Target Audience: Content Creators, Video Content Creators, Agency Professionals, Influencers

Meaghan Corson
Meaghan Corson é uma ex-repórter da CBS com experiência na criação de programas de vídeo para várias organizações, desde startups e pequenas empresas até software de bilhões de dólares e empresas médicas. Executivos e profissionais buscam a experiência de Meaghan para mapear sua estratégia de vídeo e melhorar suas habilidades na câmera para que possam atingir suas metas de marketing, vendas e comunicação interna.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Secret Ranking Factors of the Twitter Algorithm: How to Get More Exposure Through Tweets
Do you get the feeling you are spinning your wheels on Twitter, only to get less and less traction? You are not alone! Twitter's mysterious algorithm has evolved, and if you do not flex to meet it, all of your social work there will be largely wasted as only a fraction of your followers will see your Tweets. However, the potential is huge for reaching many more people beyond just your followers -- without resorting to paid ads. Based on a review of multiple Twitter patents and other publications, this session will bring you an approachable overview of the ranking factors used in Twitter's algorithm, and will show you how to propel your Tweets into growing followers and gaining engagement to make the little blue bird work for you!
You will take away from this session:
- Actionable tactics to maximize your Twitter reach by up to 10,000%
- Eliciting engagement that expands promotion potential exponentially
- How to avoid profile characteristics and behaviors that sandbags visibility
- Bonus: Translating Twitter exposure into greater presence on Google
Target Audience: Social Media Managers, Marketing Directors, Agency Social Media Developers, Self-Promoters, Corporate Marketers

Chris Silver Smith
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Um guia de marketing para a geração Z
Gen Z has $143 billion in spending power. How much of that is landing with your brand? Attend this session to hear the best practices to appeal to Gen Z audiences as they emerge as the dominant consumers growing into the market. You’ll learn how the shift in demand for consumable content has drastically influenced buying decisions and strategies to engage with Gen Z consumers growing into the market.
Attend this session to learn how to…
- Appeal to Gen Z audiences through short form content and influencer marketing as they emerge as the dominant consumers growing into the market.
- Utilize TikTok and other social media platforms to reach a new generation based on the shift in demand for consumable content.
- Optimize marketing strategies that promote brand authenticity to create high-performing campaigns geared towards Gen Z consumers with a lack of trust in corporations.

Erik Huberman
Erik Huberman é o CEO e fundador da Hawke Media, a agência de marketing digital que mais cresce em Los Angeles. Classificada na Inc. 5000 em 2019 e 2020, a Hawke Media trabalhou com clientes como Red Bull, Verizon e Eddie Bauer. Antes de Hawke, Erik saiu de sua empresa Swag of the Month e foi recrutado para a Science Incubator (Dollar Shave Club, DogVacay, MeUndies), onde aumentou as vendas da Ellie.com para US$ 1 milhão em quatro meses.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
How to Reverse Engineer Your Competitor's Social Media Content Strategy
Many companies don't know how much of what they should post on their social media channels and are looking for benchmarks. This detailed, hands-on how-to session will show you how to precisely understand what content your competitors are publishing on what social media channels at which frequency to inform your own social media content marketing strategy. Learn to use this analysis to inform every aspect of your own organic social media content strategy and develop a truly data-driven approach that is aligned with and built upon best practices that others in your industry are employing.
Attend this session to learn all this and more…
- Discover insights in your competitors social media content that can help your own social media and content marketing strategy
- Create KPIs for your organic social media content marketing based upon industry-specific norms
- Equip your organization with a truly data-driven approach to optimizing your social media marketing
Target Audience: Marketing Directors, Content Marketers, Content Creators, Marketing Consultants, Social Media Managers

Neal Schaffer
Neal Schaffer é uma autoridade líder em ajudar empresas em sua transformação digital por meio de consultoria, treinamento e ajudar empresas grandes e pequenas a executar estratégias de marketing de mídia social, marketing de influenciadores e iniciativas de vendas sociais. Presidente da agência de mídia social PDCA Social, Neal também ensina mídia digital para executivos da Rutgers University, do Irish Management Institute (Irlanda) e da University of Jyvaskyla (Finlândia). Fluente em japonês e chinês mandarim, Neal é um palestrante popular e foi convidado a falar sobre mídia digital em quatro continentes em uma dúzia de países. Ele também é autor de 3 livros sobre mídias sociais, incluindo Maximize Your Social (Wiley), e em 2018 publicará seu 4º livro, The Business of Influence, sobre como educar o mercado sobre como qualquer negócio pode alavancar o potencial do marketing de influenciadores. Neal reside em Irvine, Califórnia, mas também viaja frequentemente para o Japão.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Como escalar o marketing enquanto a receita cresce 5x em um ano
Joining an early-stage startup is equal parts exciting and challenging. I joined Hunters, an Israeli security startup, as the first Demand Generation hire in 2021. Within my first 12-months, Hunters' revenue grew from 1M-5M ARR. During this session I'll share the six-step framework we used to scale our inbound marketing: 1. Audit 'current state' before Making Changes; 2. Understand opportunity source; 3. Align and focus your leadership on KPIs; 4. Get some quick wins; 5. Analyze website performance and create an improvement plan; 6. Build an operations roadmap focused on: people, process, and tech stack.

Sarah Breathnach
Sarah Breathnach trabalha com startups para construir uma base sólida de inbound marketing para um crescimento rápido. Como chefe de geração de demanda da Hunters, uma startup de segurança cibernética com sede em Tel Aviv, Israel – Sarah está desenvolvendo a função de geração de demanda e marketing de campo globalmente. Antes da Hunters, Sarah iniciou sua carreira em tecnologia na Localytics, uma startup de Boston, MA adquirida pela Upland Software em 2019. A partir daí, Sarah foi contratada para formar a equipe de geração de demanda na Tamr, uma sede de start-up de dados e análises em Cambridge, MA.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Peek Behind the Curtain: Using Video to Give Your Audience a Look Backstage and Earn Their Trust
Customers are cynical... and they have a right to be. Too many companies try to pull the wool over their eyes, pretending to be something they're not. Instead of trying to fool customers, you should invite them backstage to learn how your products are made, or how your services were developed. Attend this session to learn how to give your customers and prospects a sense of what it's like to work with you and why they should trust you. You’ll leave with clarity on how to take viewers behind-the-scenes at your company or organization, to boost your conversion and sales.
Attend this session to learn all this and more...
- How being transparent will help you earn customers' trust.
- That video isn't about facts and figures. Video is about emotion.
- Tips for types of videos to shoot, and content suggestions for making them better.
Target Audience: Brand Managers, Marketing Directors, Content Marketers, Content Creators, Storytellers

Tony Gnau
Tony Gnau is the Founder and Chief Storytelling Officer at T60 Productions. He’s a three-time Emmy Award-winning journalist and has led T60 Productions to winning 17 Telly Awards for its corporate videos. He has created videos for the likes of CommonSpirit Health, Walgreen’s, Catholic Health Initiatives, United Airlines, US Bank, Goose Island Beer Company, as well as NBA legend Dwyane Wade. Tony has written over 700 blog posts on video marketing, publishing for the T60 blog as well as other sites related to PR and marketing (Spin Sucks, Ragan, Eventbrite, Milwaukee BizTimes). He also speaks on the subject to communications professionals at conferences such as Content Marketing World, the Midwest Digital Marketing Conference, and Content Jam. Finally, Tony is a former USC Trojan football player, Star Wars geek, and a devoted husband and father.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
TikToks and Shorts and Explainers, Oh My!
The use of video for engaging B2B audiences is exploding. From educational content for websites and inbound marketing to TikToks, YouTube, and other forms of social video, the opportunities are endless. But where should you focus your efforts for the biggest bang? How does storytelling change from one channel to another? Can B2B brands really use TikTok to generate new leads? Discover answers to these questions and more as we trot down the Yellow Click Road to reveal the top video engagement strategies for the year ahead.
Attend this session and learn all this, and more…
- The latest trends in using video content to engage audiences across various digital channels
- How B2B brands can use organic video and micro stories on TikTok, YouTube, and LinkedIn to engage new audiences
- How to connect your video content strategy to your lead generation

Tyler Lessard
Tyler é um executivo de marketing B2B com paixão por narrativa criativa, marketing orientado a dados e criação de experiências de conteúdo excepcionais. Como vice-presidente de marketing da Vidyard, ele passou mais de 6 anos imerso no mundo do vídeo e conteúdo B2B, ajudando a definir e compartilhar as melhores práticas do setor. Ele é palestrante e autor frequente em tópicos como marketing de vídeo, marketing de conteúdo, vendas B2B, marketing baseado em contas e geração de demanda moderna. Tyler adora viajar, é um orgulhoso pai de 4 filhos e um grande fã de Westworld e Stranger Things.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
5 Savvy Ways to Leverage Web 3 with Your Marketing
Web3 is about to shake up marketing as we know it. Attend this session to learn some creative ways that you can begin to use web 3 technology in your marketing. If you're worried it might all be too techy for you, fear not! This session includes actionable and easy-to-implement tactics with real-world examples that demonstrate exactly how you can apply them to your company.
In this session you'll uncover...
- The easy way for your brand to reach a new web3 audience, using simple skills you already have.
- How to use web3 to increase live attendance for your events and re-engage attendees.
- What tokenized communities are, and how your company can leverage them in your marketing.

Steph Taylor
Steph Taylor is a marketer, launch strategist and host of the Imperfect Action podcast with more than 1.5 million downloads to date. When she’s not helping creators to monetise and scale with their digital offers, she writes a weekly newsletter called Web3 for Marketers, designed to help crypto-curious marketers better understand web3 and how it could change the marketing world.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
How Experiences Create Customer Profiles in a World of First-Party Data
We often talk about how to measure digital content, but often overlook IRL content—experiences. Brands and marketers are focusing more and more on experiential marketing, but there’s still room to grow in learning how to get and measure this content. The best way? Gather it yourself. Jonathan will share how data-driven experiences help build a complete customer profile while creating an enjoyable experience for the user.
Attend this session to…
- Understand what types of data points experiential marketing offers that are otherwise hard to discern.
- Explore how data and insights gathered before, during, and after experiences help brands understand customers.
- Learn how brand experiences will add value in a post-GDPR world.

Jonathan Yaffe
Jonathan Yaffe é o CEO e cofundador da AnyRoad (que recentemente fechou sua Série B de US$ 47 milhões), uma plataforma de dados e análises que alimenta os dados por trás de muitas das experiências da Fortune 2000, incluindo Absolut, Kentucky Bourbon Trail, Michaels Arts & Artesanato, Honda e Diageo. Jonathan iniciou sua carreira em marketing experiencial na Red Bull e é formado em Ciências Cognitivas pela Universidade da Califórnia em Berkeley.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Para de vender sem enxergar seu público
Today's buyers prefer to remain invisible, talking to Google instead of your sales team when researching potential purchases. Attend this session to discover how cutting-edge organizations are levering the power of content, marketing automation & website tracking to uncover sales prospects' previously invisible sales signals. You'll leave the session with actionable tactics to immediately improve your organization's ability to generate high-quality leads that your sales teams will feel like they can't live without.
Learn all of this, and more...
- Leverage the Google Effect to capture DIY buyer prospect leads
- Develop Behavioral Email campaigns to uncover the 1% of hot but hidden leads
- Creating marketing automation hacks to automagically alert Sales on interest transitions into intent
Target Audience: Brand Managers, Marketing Directors, Content Marketers, Sales Enablement Managers

Tom Martin
Tom is a no nonsense, straight-talking 30-year veteran of the sales & and marketing business who favors stiff drinks, good debates and helping companies Sell Greatly by turning conversations into customers. As an internationally recognized sales & marketing keynote speaker, founder of Converse Digital, and Author of The Invisible Sale, Tom marries his two passions, marketing & technology, to teach companies how to leverage digital marketing channels to achieve and sustain sales growth, enhance brand perception and painlessly prospect for new customers.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
17 maneiras de acompanhar o desempenho do marketing de conteúdo
You’re already using social media metrics and web analytics to track content marketing performance. But, your C-Suite executives keep asking you for other key performance indicators (KPIs). Attend this session to learn 17 ways to measure what matters – whether your goal is to create brand awareness, generate demand/leads, increase sales/revenue, or show the return on investment (ROI) of your content marketing initiatives. You’ll leave the session understanding which set of KPIs to use to measure how you’re doing against different objectives – so you don’t judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree.
Learn all this, and more...
- Use brand lift surveys to measure content marketing campaigns
- Compare the economic value of all you social media programs
- Set up new conversion events in Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
- Calculate the return on investment in content marketing
Target Audiences: Marketing Directors, Brand Managers, Content Marketers, Content Creators

Greg Jarboe
Greg Jarboe é presidente da SEO-PR, que ele cofundou com Jamie O'Donnell em 2003. Sua agência de marketing de conteúdo gerou resultados premiados para The Christian Science Monitor, eHarlequin, Get City Dealz, MarketingSherpa, Parents magazine, the SES Conference & Expo, Southwest Airlines e Rutgers University. Jarboe também é autor de YouTube and Video Marketing, que está em sua segunda edição. Ele também é um colaborador de quatro outros livros e também é um dos 25 gurus de sucesso entrevistados em Online Marketing Heroes por Michael Miller. Desde 2003, Jarboe escreveu mais de 1.000 posts para ClickZ, Inked, Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Watch, The SEM Post e Tubular Insights. Ele também é instrutor no Coursera, Rutgers Business School Executive Education, Simplilearn e Udemy. Além disso, ele é membro sênior da Society for New Communications Research.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
How Data Transforms Your Content to Drive Customer Retention
With customers buying through social and returning to physical stores, marketing teams are challenged with putting the data together to get insights on the customer. Sure, you have valuable insights regarding location, the category they buy, and all the dates they purchased to help inform us of the exact messaging required to help the customer buy again, and again. Attend this session to learn a few new hacks and tricks, especially using a customer data platform (CDP) software that connects to killer apps, visualizes the customer journey, and enlights marketing teams to better craft customer retention strategy with a more informed view of customer segmentation that details the right content that will converts, again and again.

Areeya Lila
Areeya Lila, CEO da ViewN, possui experiência de domínio em software empresarial, desenvolvimento de produtos e processos de negócios, fruto de uma carreira de 20 anos em consultoria de gerenciamento e gerenciamento de produtos de software. Agora, como uma empreendedora apaixonada por experiências incríveis do cliente e tecnologia de ponta, ela iniciou o ViewN, uma plataforma de dados do cliente alimentada por inteligência artificial para ajudar os profissionais de marketing a entender seus clientes a partir dos dados que eles têm em pedidos, engajamento de marketing e atendimento ao cliente. Transformamos dados em insights que os profissionais de marketing precisam para oferecer empatia e personalização da marca.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
Ferramentas matadoras para impulsionar a estratégia de conteúdo e gerar tráfego
Digital content consumption has seen seismic shifts in the post- pandemic world. In 2022, US consumers spent a whopping 8 hours 15 mins daily consuming digital content. Realigned priorities have influenced the kind of content audiences are consuming. But tapping into this content hungry audience is challenging, to say the least. Attend this session to learn the best tool to drive your content strategy, maximize content performance, and deliver traffic to fuel growth.
Attend this session to upgrade your tool-box and learn about..
- Keyword Research and data mining: Grepwords, Soolve, SEMrush
- Content Consumption: BuzzSumo, aHrefs
- Data: Google Analytics
- Performance Tracking: SEMRush, Similarweb
- How to Leverage Tools to Drive Traffic and Conversion
- How to Maximize Content Performance

Prashant Puri
Prashant Puri é um profissional de marketing experiente com mais de 15 anos de experiência online. Prashant utilizou com sucesso uma variedade de estratégias e técnicas de marketing on-line - SEO, SEM, anúncios de display/rich media, marketing de afiliados e marketing por e-mail.
CMC 365 On Demand Now
How AI Will Transform the Way Marketers Work
In 2022, artificial intelligence can write articles, monitor social media feeds and mimic creativity. Marketers who seek to future-proof their careers can no longer ignore the AI revolution that is transforming the way we work. Change is coming fast as technology providers work hard to integrate AI into their offerings. You have the opportunity to realize the most optimistic version of a future where you collaborate productively with your AI coworkers. Join AI expert and futurist Dale Bertrand for an optimistic take on leveraging your uniquely human traits to thrive in an AI marketing world.
Learn all this, and more...
- The visible and hidden forces driving the adoption of AI marketing tools
- How to get started with AI marketing tools that save time and generate ROI
- Which AI tools deliver the biggest bang for the buck
- What questions to ask marketing software vendors about their AI tools
- Ways to collaborate effectively with AI that help you stay in the driver’s seat
- Strategies to reorient your career as artificial intelligence transforms our profession
Target Audience: Brand Marketers, Marketing Directors, Content Marketers, Content Creators

Dale Bertrand
Dale Bertrand has been an SEO specialist to Fortune 500 companies and venture-backed startups around the world for two decades. His clients include global brands such as Citizen Watch, Nestle, Raymond Weil and Bulova. He applies his graduate school work in artificial intelligence to search engine marketing. Dale speaks at industry conferences and leads corporate training events.
Palestrante CMC

Margie Agin
Margie Agin ajuda as empresas de tecnologia B2B a descobrir o que as torna únicas e a encontrar as palavras para dizê-lo. Ela é fundadora e estrategista-chefe da Centerboard Marketing e autora de “Brand Breakthrough”. Ela ajudou empresas nos setores de segurança cibernética, comunicações, EdTech e software a destilar tópicos complexos em conteúdo e campanhas que impulsionam a ação. Ela liderou os esforços de geração de demanda para Blackboard e marketing digital para Tandberg e Cisco. Ela também ensinou marketing de conteúdo e redação para web na Johns Hopkins University.
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Margie Agin
Award-winning marketer Margie Agin helps B2B technology companies discover what makes them unique and find the words to say it. She is the founder and chief strategist of Centerboard Marketing, a marketing agency based in the Washington, DC area, and author of Brand Breakthrough: How to Go Beyond a Catchy Tagline to Build an Authentic, Influential and Sustainable Brand Personality. As both an external strategist and an in-house marketing leader, Margie has helped companies in the cyber security, communications, EdTech, and software industries distill complex topics into content and campaigns that drive action. She has built and led teams through times of rapid change, launched and relaunched brands, and created sustainable marketing programs that prioritize the customer experience. Before founding Centerboard Marketing, Margie led demand generation efforts for the education technology company Blackboard and digital marketing for video conferencing leaders Tandberg and Cisco. She also taught content marketing and web writing at Johns Hopkins University. Margie completed her undergraduate work at Tufts University and earned a Master’s degree from American University.
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Alexandria Agresta
Alexandria believes in creating a world where people fully align what they do to make money with what they do to experience meaning and fulfillment in their lives. She calls it the “sweet spot” between purpose and profit. She co-founded Purpose Pioneers, where she's on a mission to use the power of purpose to turn businesses into movements. Join her in furthering the Purpose-First Movement.
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Michael Albanese | Head Owner | In My Own Head
A New York based comedian, Mike can be seen as a recurring character on BET's hit show, "The Game", in 2016 feature film "American Dirtbags" and as the host of the "Flavor Makers" cooking show. Mike finds his humor from his everyday life experiences mixed with his internal struggle with health, crippling paranoia and his longing for that perfect girl who he will inevitably blow it with. Mike produces the "Red Clay Comedy Festival annually" in Atlanta, GA and several showcases in New York City where he currently resides.
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Victoria Albert | Vice President, Marketing | INFUSEmedia
Victoria joined INFUSEmedia as Vice President, Marketing in January 2020. BeforeINFUSEmedia, she served as Vice President, Marketing at Unidine/Compass Group NorthAmerica where she was instrumental in closing M&A and more than doubling companyrevenue in just two years. Prior to Compass Group, Victoria spent a number of years in theFinancial Services industry, most recently at Wellington Management as Vice President,Digital Marketing. She has 20 years of experience in strategic marketing and programexecution roles in financial services and healthcare industries, where her work was recognizedwith multiple nominations and awards. Victoria holds degrees from Boston University, TuftsUniversity, and Yale University.
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Michaela Alexis | Speaker | Michaela Alexis
Hailing from Ottawa, Michaela Alexis is currently one of North America's most in-demand speakers on topics related to LinkedIn and personal branding. Her journey started in March 2016 when an article she wrote about landing her dream job went viral on LinkedIn. Since then, she has replicated that success, with dozens of articles receiving millions of reads, featured on the likes of CNBC, Success.com, Buzzfeed, Inc. and more. Over the past decade has managed the online presence of more than 100 high-profile brands, built her own personal brand to over 130,000 followers on LinkedIn, works with Crowne Plaza as a Social Media Expert in their Meeting Mentor Program, and recently co-wrote a book called Think Video: Smart Video Marketing and #Influencing.
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Brandon Andersen | Chief Strategist | Ceralytics
Brandon helps businesses connect with their audiences to drive bottom-line results. He co-founded Ceralytics, a content intelligence platform, because he saw that there was no easily accessible & data-driven way to answer the question, "What content should I write next?" Ceralytics is now used by companies of all sizes to take their content marketing programs from guessing what will work to knowing what will work. Brandon has over a decade of online marketing and product development experience. He's a data-driven guy who prefers objective data over subjective opinions - though an opinion here and there doesn't hurt.
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Justin Andrews | Partner, Creative Strategists | Aminus Studios
Justin Andrews is co-founder and CEO at Animus Studios, a video strategy and production agency located in Rhode Island. At Animus Studios, Justin puts his creativity, strategic thinking, and caring attitude to work. He loves helping organizations plan, create, and share the fascinating stories that make them stand out.
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Jennifer Apy
Jennifer Apy é uma profissional de marketing de crescimento que defende a causa de marcas inovadoras e voltadas para a comunidade que são apaixonadas por seus clientes. Ao alavancar insights sobre a empresa, clientes e concorrentes, ela trabalha com marcas para desenvolver um roteiro para o sucesso que muitas vezes supera as probabilidades imbatíveis de marketing. Ela construiu sua carreira de marketing trabalhando com empresas da Fortune 500 e startups, de marcas de consumo (Discovery Toys, American Girl) a empresas de software corporativo (Adobe, Intuit) e startups que conseguiram saídas bem-sucedidas nos últimos anos. Atualmente, ela é sócia e CMO da Chief Outsiders, atendendo várias SMBs como diretora de marketing fracionária em meio período.
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Candace Armour | Entrepreneur & Epic Fab Girl Founder | Candace Junee Consulting
Candace Armour is a dynamic entrepreneur, blogger, creative-thinker, and on-fire business woman who's passionate about helping professionals and entrepreneurs develop the confidence they need to build exceptional brands, careers, and lives. Through her leadership at Epic Fab Girl, she helps faith-focused, career-minded women discover purpose and go after their dreams fearlessly. She's the visionary behind Go-Getter Conference, an event for faith-based, career-minded women entrepreneurs and influencers. After 3 years of consulting several billion-dollar global brands,she walked away from her job in Corporate America to pursue her dreams. Since leaving, she began hosting and speaking at events across the U.S. aimed at helping women discover their purpose and build successful brands. She holds both a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering & M.B.A. from Washington University in St. Louis. She is most known for the simple fact that she has a huge heart for business and a passion to see women reach their full potential.
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Tim Ash | CEO | SiteTuners
Tim is a highly-regarded presenter and keynote speaker at SES, eMetrics, PPC Summit, Affiliate Summit, PubCon, SMX, OMS, AffCon, LeadsCon, Internet Retailer, and eComXpo. He is the founder and chairperson of ConversionConference.com, the first international conference series focused on improving online conversions. Tim is a contributing columnist to several publications including ClickZ, Website Magazine, DM News, Visibility Magazine, Search Marketing Standard, Search Engine Marketing Journal, and Electronic Retailer Online Strategies magazine. He is the host of the weekly Landing Page Optimization show and podcast on WebmasterRadio.fm. Over the past 15 years, Tim has helped a number of major US and international brands to develop successful web-based initiatives. Companies like Google, Expedia, Kodak, eHarmony, Facebook, American Express, Canon, Nestle, Symantec, Intuit, AutoDesk and many others have benefitted from Tim's deep understanding and innovative perspective. Since 1995, he has authored more than 100 published articles. In addition, Tim is the online voice of conversion optimization as the host of the Landing Page Optimization podcast on WebmasterRadio.fm.
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Saranya Babu | SVP of Marketing
Saranya Babu is the SVP of Marketing at Wrike. Babu oversees all aspects of marketing, including demand generation strategy, product marketing, and communications. Before joining Wrike, Babu was VP of Marketing and Business Development at Instapage where she grew revenue and valuation by 4X, customer base by 3X, and annual contract value by 30X. She previously held roles at ChargePoint, Inc., BDNA (acquired by Flexera), Dell, and NetApp. With more than 15 years of experience in the tech sector, Babu has honed a diverse skill set in enterprise go-to-market strategy development, demand generation, marketing operations, field marketing, and more.
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Cass Bailey
Cassandra (Cass) M. Bailey is the CEO of Slice Communications, founder of Social Media Day, and book author of Pay Attention! and Social Media is About People. She believes that integrated public relations, social media, and email marketing efforts are critical for growing businesses and non-profits looking to accomplish their goals. She’s a contributor with Forbes, Philadelphia Magazine, Black Enterprise Magazine, The Next Web, and a number of other publications, with appearances on Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, and The Today Show. Named a Rising Star by the Womens Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), Cass has also received the Brava award from Philadelphia Smart CEO and serves her community on boards for Entrepreneurs Organization of Philadelphia, Business Leadership Forum at The Union League of Philadelphia, Small Business Board at the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, Tree House Books, Pennsylvania 30 Day Fund, and Hope Works.
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Erin Balsa
Como diretora de marketing do The Predictive Index, Erin Balsa ajudou a criar a categoria de otimização de talentos e a garantir um financiamento de US$ 50 milhões para a Série A. Ela foi apresentada como especialista no assunto e discutiu marketing de conteúdo e liderança em vários sites e podcasts. Suas estratégias de redação, consultoria e mercado de conteúdo produziram resultados astronômicos. Ela ajudou as empresas a aumentar o tráfego do blog em 580%, reduzir seu ciclo de vendas em 30% e gerar centenas de milhares de dólares em receita.
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Casey Balsham | Comedian
Casey Balsham is a comedian and cheese lover out of New York City. She has been seen on Gotham Comedy Live, Tidal's No Small Talk series and can be heard as one of the co-hosts of the popular Not Another True Crime Podcast by Betches. Casey was also the lead in the Off Broadway musical HA! and wrote and starred in her own one woman show called "Casey Balsham Does A Thing". Her debut album Son of a Barb hit #1 on the iTunes charts and she is currently writing a musical with her writing partner Bradley. She also wanted me to let you know she does not mind the quarantine.
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Michael Barber | Founder | Barber & Hewitt
Michael Barber's work drove achievements including the most effective and cost-efficient campaign in the history of a Fortune 500 company, a 160x return on ad spend, and 50 million earned media impressions within the first month of a new product launch. His career began at Mighty Interactive, the agency founded by Jay Baer, and went on to hold leadership roles in strategy and planning at Sitewire, Nomadic Agency, and COHN, before establishing his own consultancy, barber&hewitt. In 2018, barber&hewitt joined Godfrey, one of the largest B2B agencies, and Michael was named one of Adobe's Fearless 50, an award that recognizes the top marketers around the globe driving fearless marketing and digital transformation.
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Matthew Barby | Global Head of Growth & SEO | HubSpot
An award winning digital marketing consultant specialising in developing growth strategies for businesses of all sizes. Previously worked with Blue Chip companies through to local businesses across a range of industries. Industry speaker and lecturer, as well as a regular columnist for a number of marketing publications, including Marketing Land, Moz and Search Engine Journal. Has been featured on Entrepreneur.com, Forbes, The Guardian, Social Media Today, TechRadar and many more.
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Joe Belliotti | Co-Founder | The Music Division
Joe Belliotti is an industry recognized leader at the intersection of music, audiences and brands. As Head of Global Music at The Coca-Cola Company for 8 years, his work amplified dozens of campaigns including the FIFA World Cup, Olympic Games, Share a Coke and a Song, and Product (RED), He also architected strategic partnerships with Spotify, and created numerous podcast and a live streaming series. Previously on the agency side with Brand Asset Group and in the music industry with Maverick Music. In 2018 Joe launched NOISEGATE a marketing firm at the intersection of brands, technology, music and audiences and co-founded The Music Division, an outsourced music division working with brands and agencies. In 2019 co-created "Decoding the Music Experience" podcast, a new series in partnership with Advertising Week / AW360. Joe has been recognized multiple times by Billboard Magazine on their Power 100 list and Billboard's Branding Power Players List and featured in industry press such as Variety, Forbes, The Economist, Inc., , Ad Age, Ad Week, Brand Channel, The Drum.
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Michelle and Ben
Michelle Slonim and Ben Rosenfeld are a real-life husband-and-wife comedy couple who recently released their illustrated humor book, "New Parent Smell: Funny Thoughts on Pregnancy, Newborns and Tots." Michelle has appeared on Late Night with Seth Meyers, Comedy Central, HBO, SiriusXM Radio, The Wall Street Journal and New York Post. Ben has a comedy special on Amazon Prime, has appeared on FOX's Laughs and BuzzFeedVideo and has over 200,000 TikTok Followers. Before becoming a comedian, Ben was a management consultant at Accenture and in a PhD program at Caltech. Michelle has always been involved in acting and comedy, as she quips, “I’ve been playing a ‘whacky Jewish mother’ since I was 12.”
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Karine Bengualid
Karine Bengualid is a French-Canadian-Moroccan-Jew, a recovering introvert and an aspiring comedienne. After 13 years leading corporate marketing teams, she started “Brought to you by the letter K” in 2015, where she helps B2B brands across North America like Shopify Plus or the Toronto Raptors find their Threshold of Fun™. In November 2019, Karine launched the first-ever physical content planner designed for marketing teams called P is for Planner. When she’s not saving the world from un-fun marketing, she’s building her animal rescue, Maison Misha.
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Josh Bernoff | President | WOBS LLC
Josh Bernoff is the author of Writing Without Bullshit: Boost Your Career by Saying What You Mean (HarperBusiness, 2016). The Globe and Mail called it "a Strunk and White for the modern knowledge worker." He blogs every weekday at withoutbullshit.com, publishing commentary on writing, politics, health care, technology, and business strategy. His blog has attracted more than two million views in its first two years. His three previous business books include the BusinessWeek bestseller Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies (Harvard Business Press, 2008). He will publish two other books on technology and strategy in 2018. His book Truth and Influence is due out in 2019. In his spare time, Josh is the volunteer CEO of wellnesscampaign.org, a non-profit organization transforming the health habits of hundreds of people. He was previously senior vice president, idea development at Forrester Research.
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Dale Bertrand
Dale Bertrand has been an SEO specialist to Fortune 500 companies and venture-backed startups around the world for two decades. His clients include global brands such as Citizen Watch, Nestle, Raymond Weil and Bulova. He applies his graduate school work in artificial intelligence to search engine marketing. Dale speaks at industry conferences and leads corporate training events.
Palestrante CMC
Jessica Best | Director of Data-Driven Marketing | Barkley
Jessica is a self-admitted numbers nerd. She's worked to lift ROI in customer- and data-driven marketing for a broad range of brands like Dairy Queen, Spirit Airlines, Wingstop, Beauty Brands, Hostess, Water.org, Farmland Foods, Hallmark Baby, Banfield Pet Hospitals, SelectQuote, and Boulevard Brewing Company, and more. Jessica also spreads the good word of great email marketing from the stage. Over the last 4 years, she's lead trainings and spoken in front of audiences from dozens to over 1200 from Las Vegas to New York City to Vancouver to SXSW Interactive in Austin. In 2016, she joined the Barkley team as Director of Data-Driven Marketing, implementing the best practices she preaches for Barkley clients. For three years as Marketing Manager, Jessica managed partnerships and opportunities for emfluence with other Kansas City marketing communities and businesses as well as a comprehensive and cohesive digital and email marketing campaign, promoting the emfluence Marketing Platform, and our strategic services. In 2013, Jessica finally got to put the truth on her business card: Digital Marketing Evangelist! In 2016, Jessica accepted the exciting role of Director of Data-Driven Marketing at Barkley, working as lead CRM strategist for fortune 1000 companies like Dairy Queen and Spirit Airlines, soaking up all the smarts of my fellow partners and helping integrate data.
Palestrante CMC

Manick Bhan
Manick Bhan is the founder and CTO of LinkGraph – an award-winning mission-driven SEO and digital marketing agency – and the creator, founder and CEO of the SearchAtlas SEO software suite. As a growth hacker, data scientist, and skilled programmer, SEO is Bhan’s greatest passion and his life’s work. With 10+ years of experience in Search Engine Optimization from the in-house and agency side, Bhan has taught both startups and Fortune 500 companies how to scale their brands with a data-driven SEO strategy that can break into any market with ease and outrank even the biggest of competitors.
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Kuda Biza
Kuda Biza - Speaker, Author, and Change Agent, started his first company when he was just nine years old in Zimbabwe. Kuda moved to the U.S. with only $40 in his pocket to study at Lynn University, he started his second company, a socially conscious apparel brand, before graduating as valedictorian of his class. Kuda went on to climb the ranks of corporate leadership at a Fortune 500 company before transitioning to become a full-time entrepreneur with the goal of balancing success with being a force for good in the world. Today Kuda is the co-founder and chief marketing officer of Nunbelievable, a mission-based baked goods company built on a foundation of purpose: fighting hunger. The company donates a meal for every cookie sold and has donated over one million meals to people in need.
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Justin Blackman | Copywriter | Pretty Fly Copywriting
Justin Blackman is a copywriter who goes overboard. In 2017, he wrote 100 headlines every day for 100 days, just for fun. Over the last two years, he's written copy for more than 329 entrepreneurs and dozens of brands. This schizophrenic experience taught him how to analyze and emulate nearly every voice type imaginable and turned him into a Brand Ventriloquist. Now he's as a co-instructor for the Codex Persona training program that teaches writers how to measure and mirror a client's voice. And you can find him at Pretty Fly Copy, where he creates ultra-specific voice guides for industry experts and growing businesses, and talks a lot about Muppets. All the people say he's pretty fly for a write guy.
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Margot Bloomstein | Brand & Strategy Consultant | Appropriate Inc.
Margot Bloomstein is the author of "Content Strategy at Work: Real-World Stories to Strengthen Every Interactive Engagement" and principal of Appropriate, Inc., a brand and content strategy consultancy based in Boston. Over nearly two decades, Margot has helped clarify content strategy for organizations as diverse as Al Jazeera America, Harvard University, Fidelity Investments, Lindt and Sprüngli, Lovehoney, Sallie Mae, ECCO Shoes, Timberland, and the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority. A participant in the inaugural Content Strategy Consortium and a featured speaker at SXSW, Margot frequently keynotes events and conducts workshops around the world. She also teaches brand-driven content strategy in the graduate program at the Austrian University of Applied Sciences in Graz. Margot produces the popular brand communication tool BrandSort and tweets at @mbloomstein.
Palestrante CMC

Chandler Bolt | Founder & CEO | Self-Publishing School
Chandler is the author of 6 bestselling books including "Book Launch" and his most recent book titled "Published.". He's also the founder & CEO of Self Publishing School, the #1 online resource for writing your first book. Through his books, training videos, and Self Publishing School, he's helped thousands of people on their journey to writing their first book. Chandler was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug at an early age when he saw that he could make a lot more money working for himself. While his friends were off searching for jobs, he was out starting businesses. He began early (age 11) by selling his personal snacks at scout camp and, by age 17 he hired his friends to help him operate his landscaping business that earned him $10,000 for college. All in all, by age 20 he started and ran over $320,000 in businesses. During this time, he taught other college students to run their own successful businesses and received the "Entrepreneur of the Year" award from Young Entrepreneurs Across America. Chandler now speaks to students across the country teaching them the lessons he's learned as a young entrepreneur and encouraging them to take the entrepreneurial leap.
Palestrante CMC
Bonin Bough | Television Host | CNBC
Bonin Bough is vice president of global media and consumer engagement at Mondelez International. In this role, Bough is responsible for all forms of media, including leading and developing partnerships, internal capabilities and strategies across all forms of consumer connections, such as digital, TV, print and outdoors. Before joining Mondelez, Bonin spent three-and-a-half years at PepsiCo, where he oversaw company-wide digital strategy and the implementation of social media tools across PepsiCo's portfolio of food and beverage brands. Bough has been recognized as one of business' hottest rising stars in lists that include Fortune's 2011 "40 under 40," Fast Company's 2011 "100 Most Creative People in Business," Ebony's "Power 100" and The Internationalist's 2012 "Internationalists of the Year." He is co-author of the 2010 book "Perspectives on Social Media Marketing." Bough holds degrees in physics and political science from Hartwick College.
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Anita Brearton | Founder/CEO | CabinetM
Anita Brearton is Founder/CEO of CabinetM, a marketing technology discovery and management platform that helps marketing teams manage the technology they have and find the technology they need. Anita is a long-time tech start-up marketer and has had the great fortune of driving marketing programs through the early stages of a startup all the way to IPO and acquisition. The author of Attack Your Stack, a stack building workbook for marketing operations professionals, Anita is also a monthly columnist for CMS wire, speaks frequently on the topic of marketing technology and has been recognized as one of 50 Women You Need to Know in MarTech.
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Sarah Breathnach
Sarah Breathnach trabalha com startups para construir uma base sólida de inbound marketing para um crescimento rápido. Como chefe de geração de demanda da Hunters, uma startup de segurança cibernética com sede em Tel Aviv, Israel – Sarah está desenvolvendo a função de geração de demanda e marketing de campo globalmente. Antes da Hunters, Sarah iniciou sua carreira em tecnologia na Localytics, uma startup de Boston, MA adquirida pela Upland Software em 2019. A partir daí, Sarah foi contratada para formar a equipe de geração de demanda na Tamr, uma sede de start-up de dados e análises em Cambridge, MA.
Palestrante CMC

Colt Briner
Como fundador e CEO da Scrappy AF Marketing, Colt ajuda as organizações em estágio intermediário a aplicar criatividade e estratégia para capturar participação de mercado de empresas estabelecidas no setor e construir caminhos para novos mercados. Ele aproveita estratégias fortes com execução criativa para ajudar empresas e setores a crescer rapidamente gastando menos. Colt também é cofundadora da Rad Creative, um grupo de consultoria global especializado na aplicação de ciências cognitivas e coaching criativo para liberar o potencial radical em empresas e comunidades. Ele educa e inspira o público como palestrante desde 2010, com experiência em marketing desconexo, liderança empresarial orientada por propósitos, aumento da criatividade e capitalização das oportunidades da era exponencial. Seu marketing orientado a resultados combina estratégia rica com aplicação profundamente prática - e um pouco de humor - para garantir que seus ouvintes saiam equipados para ter sucesso como melhores profissionais de marketing e melhores líderes.
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Ryan Brown | Head of Brand Strategy | Ceros
Ryan Brown is Head of Brand Strategy at Ceros where he leads brand marketing and brand experience efforts. He has previously held leadership roles at Conde Nast-owned experiential marketing agencies Pop2Life and 23 Stories. Ryan also worked at HubSpot during the early days of inbound marketing in numerous roles that included developing new client trainings, launching HubSpot Academy, and crafting HubSpot's annual INBOUND conference.
Palestrante CMC
Jon Burkhart | Founder/Chief Creative Officer | TBC Global
Jon Burkhart is an award-winning keynote speaker, content strategist, and co-author of Newsjacking: The Urgent Genius of Real-time Advertising. You'll find him at the helm of the marketing consultancy TBC Global, offering fresh marketing to clients centered on interactive games that enhance and amplify content marketing efforts. He coined the phrase 'game-inar' for example-- the intersection of a webinar and gameshow that boosts engagement, better converting listeners to buyers. Jon's based in London, but consulting, speaking and program development around the globe for South By Southwest Interactive (SXSW), Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity and SEAT (Sports and Entertainment Alliance in Technology). You'll find his work publish at Rolling Stone, Fast Company The Guardian, and many more.
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Karen X. Cheng | Founder | Wafffle
Karen X is a director with over 500 million views. She is the founder of Wafffle, a creative agency that has worked with brands like Beats by Dre, Apple, and Snapchat. She made her first viral video by accident when she quit Microsoft with a song. She was named Inc's 30 under 30 and Adweek's Creative 100. She also filmed herself learning to dance in a year and has a very convincing robot impression. The videos she's produced have appeared on NBC, Good Morning America, and Ellen. Karen has spoken at Google, Stanford, TedX, and many more.
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Nina Christian
Nina Christian é uma premiada especialista global em branding e marketing. Por quase três décadas, ela trabalhou com pequenas empresas, grandes corporações e startups, ajudando-as a construir suas marcas e transmitir sua mensagem a mais pessoas. Em 2000, ela fundou a agência de marketing Braveda, que foi nomeada "Melhor Agência de Marketing" no Australian Marketing Excellence Awards. Compreende tanto o empreendedorismo como o marketing, tendo criado e desenvolvido várias marcas próprias ao longo dos anos, incluindo a saída bem sucedida de uma marca de renome internacional. Ela tem um talento especial para simplificar o complexo que vem de ser uma mãe prática para cinco filhos pequenos, e usa isso para transformar atividades de sugadores de tempo em sistemas e processos fáceis de seguir que obtêm resultados rapidamente. Ela é Certified Practicing Marketer (CPM), membro do Australian Marketing Institute & State Chair of Victoria e mentora de inúmeros profissionais de marketing e empreendedores em todo o mundo por meio de seus programas e iniciativas de impacto social.
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Roo Ciambriello | Creative Director | Bark.us
Roo Ciambriello has spent years as a copywriter, creating brand voices and fun stories on the backs of potato chip bags on shelves in Whole Foods, Kroger, and Target. She's also been knee deep in writing ad copy and ghostwriting for people of note. Currently, she's the Creative Director for Bark, a service that helps keep kids safe online (related: she's fluent in emoji). You can also find her providing commentary on advertising on Adweek, making elaborate Spotify playlists, and eating fajitas on deadline days.
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Sarah Cooper | Creator/Writer | TheCooperReview.com
Sarah Cooper is a writer, comedian and creator of satirical blog TheCooperReview.com, which attracts 500K+ pageviews per month. Her work has appeared on The Washington Post, Fast Company, Business Insider, and Huffington Post. Previously at Google, Sarah has over 15 years experience in the corporate world, leading to her first viral article, "10 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings" and the subject of her first book, 100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings, to be published in October 4, 2016. Sarah also speaks about adding humor to your writing, as well as performs standup comedy around San Francisco.
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Meaghan Corson | Fundadora | Meaghan Corson
Meaghan Corson é uma ex-repórter da CBS com experiência na criação de programas de vídeo para várias organizações, desde startups e pequenas empresas até software de bilhões de dólares e empresas médicas. Executivos e profissionais buscam a experiência de Meaghan para mapear sua estratégia de vídeo e melhorar suas habilidades na câmera para que possam atingir suas metas de marketing, vendas e comunicação interna.
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Marilyn Cox | Vice President of Marketing and CRM | The Second City
When customers visit Second City theaters and see shows they love exploring the history and they want to be a part of what's happening now. When students take classes in the Training Center they evolve personally and develop bonds and relationships with their classmates, the instructors, and staff. When clients engage Second City Works they become Yes, Andbassadors by learning and creating with their colleagues. The Second City customer experience creates an opportunity for customers to become part of the Second Citizens ensemble, discover the value improvisation can have on their personal and professional life, and extends the in-person Second City brand experience online. Marilyn strives to facilitate that experience across all channels at The Second City. Marilyn exists to empower sales and support the customer. When not geeking out over industry marketing analytics, Marilyn can be found daydreaming about her unrealized dream as a professional wrestler with the WWE.
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Jeff Coyle
Jeff é cofundador e diretor de produtos da MarketMuse, onde se concentra em ajudar profissionais de marketing de conteúdo, profissionais de marketing de mecanismos de pesquisa, agências e editores a construir autoridade tópica, melhorar a qualidade do conteúdo e transformar pesquisas semânticas em insights acionáveis. Antes de ingressar como cofundador da MarketMuse, Jeff possuía e operava sua própria consultoria de inbound marketing e gerenciou a equipe de Tráfego, Pesquisa e Engajamento da TechTarget, líder em publicação de tecnologia B2B e geração de leads.
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Andy Crestodina | Co-Fundador e Diretor de Marketing | Orbit Media
Andy Crestodina é cofundador e diretor de marketing da Orbit Media, uma premiada agência digital de 40 pessoas em Chicago. Nos últimos 20 anos, Andy forneceu consultoria de marketing digital para mais de 1.000 empresas. Ele fala em conferências nacionais de marketing e escreve para grandes blogs do ramo. Ele também é o autor de Content Chemistry: The Illustrated Handbook for Content Marketing. Andy escreveu mais de 400 artigos sobre estratégia de conteúdo, otimização de mecanismos de pesquisa, marketing de influenciadores, conversão e análise. Os 10 principais especialistas em marketing on-line a serem observados, Forbes Os 50 principais influenciadores de marketing da revista Entrepreneur Os 20 principais líderes de pensamento de marketing de conteúdo, Alexa Os 25 principais profissionais de marketing de conteúdo, Buzzsumo Os 100 principais profissionais de marketing digital, marca 24 Os 10 principais influenciadores de mídia social para assistir, Social Media Explorer Os 50 principais influenciadores de marketing de conteúdo para seguir, Outbrain Os 15 principais palestrantes de marketing de crescimento, leia e escreva 3x Vencedor do Inc 5000
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Katelin Cwieka | AVP Social Media & Brand Communications Manager | Avidia Bank
This social media marketing maven got her start with her own fashion and event blog. She perfected her writing skills at Anna Maria College, where she graduated with both her bachelors and masters degrees while working in the college cafeteria serving hoagies and grinders. Before entering the exciting world of banking, she worked as a Social Media and Content Manger for a Marketing Agency where she created content for a wide variety of companies including veterinary clinics, restaurants and even a horse excrement testing facility! Day to day, Kate maintains Avidia Bank's social media presence, manages their online reputation and creates their video marketing pieces while overseeing the official Brand Ambassadors of the Bank, the Avidia Smarties. Katelin has been featured on MarTech Advisor, Bank On Social Month, ABA Bank Marketing, Banking Exchange, and the Bank Social Blog. She's been a speaker with the American Marketing Association, Hootsuite, the ABA Bank Marketing Conference and the Bank Social Conference. After hours, she works as a Marketing Instructor for the Center for Women and Enterprise serving local entrepreneurs.
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Mykim Dang | Executive Producer, Video | America's Test Kitchen
Mykim Dang is a full stack creator based in Boston, MA. A filmmaker who fell into digital by accident with the advent of platforms like YouTube and Vimeo, she has been producing content, digital products, and experiences ever since. Working with some of the most interesting home grown start-ups (Brightcove, Grove Labs, Circle Financial) to some of the biggest, most influential companies in the world (Cisco, Facebook) and even helping a traditional publisher embrace digital video (America's Test Kitchen), she continues to push the limits of storytelling in an ever-changing landscape. Currently, she's using her unique experience and expertise to help inspire creators, brands, businesses and marketers, to think differently about digital production and distribution, with an emphasis on mobile and vertical formats.
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Andrew Davis | Speaker & Author | Monumental Shift
Andrew Davis is a bestselling author and keynote speaker. Before building and selling a thriving digital marketing agency, Andrew produced for NBC and worked for The Muppets. He's appeared in the New York Times and on the Today Show. He's crafted documentary films and award-winning content for tiny start-ups and Fortune 500 brands. Today, Andrew Davis teaches business leaders how to grow their businesses, transform their cities, and leave their legacy.
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Chris Dayley | Owner | Smart CRO
Chris is a long-time digital marketer with a passionate for helping businesses learn what their users want on their website through psychology based testing and analytics. He started his full-service Conversion Optimization agency Dayley Conversion in 2014, which he later merged with Disruptive Advertising, where he currently works as VP of site testing and optimization.
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Dave Delaney
Dave Delaney is an author, corporate trainer, executive consultant, founder of FutureForth, host of the Nice Podcast, and keynote speaker known as a communication connoisseur. He’s also the creator of the Nice Method, helping fast-growing tech companies reach their people through comprehensive communication workshops and presentations, tapped by brands like Google, FedEx, LinkedIn, and UPS. And he’s appeared in USA Today, Entrepreneur, Inc, Fortune, and Billboard Magazine. His book, New Business Networking, explores online and offline tools, tips, and techniques to grow and nurture your professional network for your business and career by communicating - the nice way.
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Melanie Denziel | Branded Content Consultant | Mdeziel Media
As Creative Strategist at Time Inc., Melanie creates innovative branded content campaigns that span 25+ print and digital properties, including Sports Illustrated, People, Fortune, Entertainment Weekly, Health and Travel+Leisure. She has done content strategy and social strategy for both HuffPost Partner Studio and The New York Times T Brand Studio, where she created the OMMA Award winning "Women Inmates" piece for Netflix's Orange Is The New Black.
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Pawan Deshpande | CEO | Curata
Pawan Deshpande is the founder and CEO of Curata. Pawan is a regular speaker at technology, entrepreneurship, and marketing events such as American Marketing Assocation (AMA), SXSW, TiE-Con, Gilbane, and Content Marketing World. He also has taught courses on content marketing through the University of Western Ontario, MarketingProfs, Ohio University, and the Online Marketing Institute, and blogs for Content Marketing Institute, Huffington Post, Boston.com, CMO.com, and Forbes among others. Prior to Curata, Pawan held research and engineering positions at Microsoft and Google. Pawan earned his S.B. and M. Eng. in Computer Science from MIT.
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Marlon Doll | Fundador e Estrategista de Marketing de Vídeo | Vireo Video
Marlon Doll é o fundador e estrategista líder de vídeo da Vireo Video Marketing. Ele é um consultor certificado pelo YouTube em crescimento de público e gerenciamento de direitos digitais. Na Vireo Video, ele ajuda os clientes a desenvolver estratégias eficazes de conteúdo de vídeo que convertem espectadores em clientes. Marlon e sua equipe são especializados em publicidade em vídeo na maioria das principais plataformas, otimização de SEO em vídeo orgânico e implementação de campanhas estratégicas de crescimento e conversão com vídeo nativo e conteúdo de marca. Anteriormente, ele trabalhou na maior rede do YouTube do mundo, BroadbandTV, como gerente de desenvolvimento de público para algumas das maiores gravadoras, artistas e hubs de música independente do mundo. Ele também produz e apresenta um programa de culinária semanal chamado "Bachelor on a Budget" que ensina as pessoas a criar refeições saudáveis e acessíveis. O canal cresceu para mais de 40.000 inscritos e recebe mais de 200.000 visualizações mensais por meio do crescimento orgânico.
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Heather Dopson | Director of Brand and Community Growth | Astrella
Heather is an advocate for authenticity. She's a catalyst for conversations worth having, and an enabler for ideas worth exploring. On the list of her qualifications cited for her annual most interesting woman of the year nomination, her nickname "The Human API", and role as Community Builder at Godaddy, rank second and third behind the collective testimony of thousands who Heather has selflessly connected, elevated, or otherwise served. She's fueled by tracking digital trends, innovation in technology, and taco trucks. She has a profound understanding of social networks, consumers and branding; and a pronounced intolerance for bullshit. Social media, like any tool, is only as powerful as the craftsman who wields it; and Heather is an artisan. Teaching businesses how to grow by harnessing its power is Heather's native genius.
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Nick Dujnic
Nick Dujnic is the Vice President of Marketing for LiveIntent, where he oversees the company’s brand and demand generation strategies. He is also the host of LiveIntentional, a video series that explains what’s going on in a very complicated digital marketing landscape in a fun and accessible way. The recipient of Marketing Edge’s Rising Star award in 2017, he once inspired the headline "How One Man Did the Impossible: Make Ad-Tech Jargon Fun."
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Antoine Dupont | Speaker, Consultant, Video Marketer | www.antoinedupont.com
Antoine is a recognized expert and strategist in digital marketing. He's an award-winning marketing agency owner and a speaker at national & international conferences. He combines 18 years in marketing and 15 years in the hospitality industry. His first job out of college was working for Gordon Ramsey in London at Le Gavroche. Antoine travels the world sharing his strategy and methodology to marketers and business owners. His goal is to improve lead generation and business growth via his proven marketing strategies. As a result, he is an in-demand consultant on discovering the strategies that work. His past clients include Office Depot, Unilever, The Sports Authority, Habitat for Humanity. Recent appearances include presentations at INBOUND18, PRINT18, MPI WEC 2018 & Digitalium 2018 (Romania) and many others.
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Chip Edwards
Love ’em or hate ’em, smart speakers like Amazon Alexa are used by millions of people every day. Technologist and teacher Chip Edwards has spoken across the country about how content producers can use smart speaker platforms like Amazon Alexa and Google Home to distribute content and engage with their audience. Chip is a partner at CreateMyVoice.com, where they help content producers claim their Invocation Name and be found on the Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa platforms.
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Kayla Elliott
After climbing the corporate ranks to Vice President of Marketing for a multimillion dollar company, Kayla Elliott decided to pursue her own marketing firm and founded ell Consulting. With over a decade of experience in content marketing, social media management, and digital advertising, she’s equipped to provide insightful guidance on how to create compelling content and capitalize on digital and social opportunities.
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Eric Enge | President | Perficient Digital
Eric Enge was named the 2018 Drum Search Awards Search Personality of the Year, the US Search Awards the 2016 US Search Personality of the Year, and was also the Landys 2016 Search Marketer of the Year. He is also co-author of The Art of SEO (published by O'Reilly), along with Stephan Spencer, Rand Fishkin, and Jessie Stricchiola. Eric keynotes many industry conferences, and is a General Manager with Perficient Digital, an agency that provides SEO, content marketing, social media, paid search, analytics, conversion optimization, and marketing automation services.
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Ashley Faus | Sr. Manager, Integrated Media, Atlassian | Atlassian
Ashley Faus is a marketer, writer, and speaker by day, and a singer, actor, and fitness fiend by night. Her work has been featured in multiple publications, including TIME, Forbes, The Journey of Brand Strategy, and MarketingProfs, and she's shared insights with audiences at Harvard Business Review, INBOUND, and MarketingProfs.
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Rand Fishkin | SparkToro
Rand Fishkin é cofundador e CEO da SparkToro, fabricante de software de pesquisa de audiência. Ele também é o fundador e ex-CEO da MOZ e cofundador da Inbound.org ao lado de Dharmesh Shah, cofundador da Hubspot. Rand também co-colaborou em dois outros livros: Art of SEO e Inbound Marketing & SEO. E ele foi listado no Seattle Times, apresentado no Puget Sound Business Journal 40 Under 40, nomeado para 30 Under 30 da BusinessWeek, escrito sobre Newsweek, The Next Web, Inc 500 e centenas de outras publicações, e uma vez apareceu no Programa de Oprah Winfrey. Mais importante ainda, Rand está mais orgulhoso de suas aparições proeminentes no primeiro livro de sua esposa Geraldine DeRuiter, All Over the Place, e pequenos investimentos com Geraldine no TinySeed Accelerator, LegUp, TeamSportz, Techstars Seattle e Backstage Capital.
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Ryan Foland | Sócio-gerente | www.ryan.online
Ryan Foland é um palestrante, autor e consultor de alta energia que ensina executivos a aumentar sua influência. Seu método 3-1-3® revela as principais mensagens da marca para orientar estratégias de comunicação sob medida. Ryan é quatro vezes palestrante do TEDx e foi destaque na Forbes, Fortune, Inc., Entrepreneur e muito mais. Seu livro premiado, Ditch the Act, ensina líderes a progredir nos negócios simplesmente sendo humanos. Para se divertir, Ryan navega, desenha bonecos de palito e faz rap. Saiba mais em https://ryan.online
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Robert Freund
Robert Freund is an experienced advertising attorney and advisor focused on social media marketing and e-commerce. Before opening his own firm, Rob honed his legal skills working at Greenberg Traurig, LLP, one of the largest and most respected international law firms on the planet. Rob has lectured about advertising law at the University of Southern California and the University of San Diego, and he has been quoted in The New York Times on legal issues. Rob was named as a Southern California Super Lawyers Rising Star in Media & Advertising for 2020 and 2021.
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Amisha Gandhi | VP Influencer Marketing, SAP Ariba | SAP
Amisha is head of influencer marketing at SAP and previously led mobile product marketing. In her current role, she is leading the charge at SAP for the global influencer marketing program to help drive demand gen and global marketing campaigns. She's worked in public relations firms and marketing roles in Silicon Valley for the past 15 years, working for everyone from startups to large enterprises such as HP, Google, Accenture and Time-Warner. Amisha has a passion for tech gadgets and always seeking out the next big trend.
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Allen Gannett | Author | The Creative Curve
Allen Gannett was the founder and CEO of TrackMaven, a marketing analytics platform whose clients included Microsoft, Marriott, Saks Fifth Avenue, Home Depot, Aetna, Honda, and GE. In 2018 it merged with Skyword, the leading content marketing platform, where he now serves as Chief Strategy Officer. He has been on the "30 Under 30" lists for both Inc. and Forbes. He is a contributor for FastCompany.com and his book The Creative Curve, came out June 2018 from Currency, a division of Penguin Random House. The book has been featured on CNBC, Forbes, numerous top podcasts, and has been picked up to be translated into seven other languages in 2019. Most importantly, he was once a very pitiful runner-up on Wheel of Fortune.
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Tony Gnau
Tony Gnau is the Founder and Chief Storytelling Officer at T60 Productions. He’s a three-time Emmy Award-winning journalist and has led T60 Productions to winning 17 Telly Awards for its corporate videos. He has created videos for the likes of CommonSpirit Health, Walgreen’s, Catholic Health Initiatives, United Airlines, US Bank, Goose Island Beer Company, as well as NBA legend Dwyane Wade. Tony has written over 700 blog posts on video marketing, publishing for the T60 blog as well as other sites related to PR and marketing (Spin Sucks, Ragan, Eventbrite, Milwaukee BizTimes). He also speaks on the subject to communications professionals at conferences such as Content Marketing World, the Midwest Digital Marketing Conference, and Content Jam. Finally, Tony is a former USC Trojan football player, Star Wars geek, and a devoted husband and father.
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Diego Gomes | Rock Content
Diego Gomes is the CEO and Founder of Rock Content, a global leader in content marketing services and products built for scale. Founded in 2013, Rock Content has grown to a globally distributed team of 500 Rockers. In his free time, Diego likes to write about technology, marketing, and SaaS at SaaSholic.com.
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Chris Goward
When companies like HP, Microsoft, The Motley Fool and Dollar Shave Club want to improve their digital experiences and growth, they call Chris Goward. Chris founded Widerfunnel in 2007 with the belief that a combination of creativity and scientific rigour gets the best results. He is the brain behind the popular LIFT Model®, Infinity Experimentation Process®, and MotivationLab®, wrote the bestselling book, You Should Test That!, and has spoken at 300+ events globally.
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C.J. Gower
Jamie Gower é um escritor/produtor que ajuda os clientes de tecnologia da Fortune 500 a usar o humor para se conectar com seu público, mantendo-se preciso e autoritário. Vídeos, webcomics, sites, até telas iniciais de smartphones e falsos talk shows noturnos — Jamie cria cenários e conteúdo que falam com uma voz humana e divertida. Como comediante, ele se apresentou para o público de compra de ingressos ao vivo de Seattle ao Edinburgh Fringe. Como cineasta, seus premiados curtas de comédia apareceram em mais de uma dúzia de festivais de cinema nos EUA e na Europa.
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Paxton Gray | CEO | 97th Floor
Paxton Gray é o vice-presidente de operações da 97th Floor e é responsável pelo trabalho geral que a agência produz para clientes como CapitalOne, Discover, ESPN e Salesforce. Ele começou no mundo do marketing digital em 2007 e ingressou na 97th Floor em 2013. Paxton foi palestrante de destaque em conferências do setor em todo o mundo, compartilhando insights aprendidos através do trabalho diário e da estratégia do cliente. Ele é formado em publicidade pela BYU.
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Dan Greenberg
Dan is the President of Sharethrough, the largest independent native advertising platform that powers in-feed native ads for publishers like Forbes, Time and CBS and enables marketers like Coca Cola and P&G to programmatically distribute branded content at scale. He dropped out of the Stanford Masters program to start Sharethrough and went on to popularize the term “native advertising” in 2008 and now serves as Chair of the IAB Native Ad Committee. He has been named to the Ad Age's 40 Under 40, Forbes 30 Under 30, Inc.'s 35 Under 35 Founders List and honored as an Ad Age Media Maven. Recently Dan led a merger with District M to become a top 5 independent omnichannel ad exchange.
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Gary Gumbleton
While Gary's previous career was in corporate sales, he was always a creative at heart and considers content creation to be his calling. He's worked with Uber, Mercedes, Pepsi, and many more brands that tap his global video experience and passion for growth in organizations. And he’s now the Founder and Creative Director of Capital Content based in the UK, serving brands worldwide.
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John Hall | Co-Founder | Influence & Co.
John is the CEO and Co-Founder of Influence & Co., a company that assists individuals and brands in growing their influence through products and services such as creating and publishing bylined articles, facilitating thought leadership programs for brands and much more. John has a weekly column at Forbes and has also contributed to The Huffington Post, Business Insider, Portfolio, The Washington Post, and many other reputable publications. He's also a member of the Young Entrepreneur Council, where he helps mentor young entrepreneurs to help them reach their life goals.
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Ann Handley | Chief Content Officer | MarketingProfs
Ann Handley is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author who speaks worldwide about how businesses can escape marketing mediocrity to ignite tangible results. IBM named her one of the 7 people shaping modern marketing. She is the Chief Content Officer of MarketingProfs; a LinkedIn Influencer; a keynote speaker, mom, dog person, and writer.
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Nancy Harhut | Diretor de Criação | HBT Marketing
Nancy Harhut é apaixonada pelo impacto que a ciência comportamental pode ter no marketing. Vencedora do BostInno "50 on Fire", Top 40 Digital Strategist do Online Marketing Institute e líder do Social Top 50 de email marketing, ela liderou campanhas integradas para clientes grandes e pequenos. Ela e suas equipes ganharam mais de 175 prêmios pela eficácia do marketing digital e direto. Harhut é conhecida por seus insights interessantes e acionáveis que se concentram no impacto da ciência comportamental no marketing. Uma palestrante de alto nível, ela impressionou o público do Departamento de Defesa dos EUA a profissionais de marketing de Moscou e participantes do SXSW. Empresas que buscam uma vantagem adicional a procuram para consultoria, direção criativa e desenvolvimento de conteúdo. Siga-a no twitter em @nharhut ou entre em contato com ela em [email protected].
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Zoe Hawkins
Zoe is a former video game and tech journalist turned content marketing expert, adding a combination of wordsmithing and marketing strategy to her unique perspective. She has lived on three continents and is longing for the days of travel in the post-plague era. In her free time, she enjoys great food and books, as well as trashy science fiction and console gaming. She's a mom to two cats and a five-year-old daughter, living with her husband in perpetually sunny Arizona.
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Russ Henneberry | Founder of Modern Publisher & Co-Author of Digital Marketing for Dummies | Modern Publisher
Russ Henneberry is the founder of Modern Publisher, a community of professional content creators and expert digital marketers ready to lend you a hand. Russ has trained and certified thousands of professionals through his coaching, courses, stage presentations and his book, Digital Marketing for Dummies.
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Rachel Hernandez
Rachel é criadora de conteúdo digital e estrategista há quase uma década. Em 2016, ela lançou o departamento de conteúdo do The HOTH, liderando equipes internas e mais de 700 freelancers para produzir milhares de conteúdos de alta qualidade a cada semana. Atualmente, ela é Diretora de Estratégia de Marca do HOTH e é responsável por todo o conteúdo de marketing orgânico, além de desenvolver e manter uma voz de marca consistente.
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Sarah Hill | CEO & Chief Storyteller | Healium
National Edward R. Murrow, NAB Service to America and 12 time Mid-America Emmy award-winning Storyteller. Sarah is the CEO & Chief Storyteller for StoryUP VR, an immersive media company that creates stories to try to shift pro-social emotional states. She holds a provisional patent on immersive story for VR therapy. Sarah is a former interactive news anchor for the NBC & CBS affiliates in mid-Missouri. Her team at KOMU-TV pioneered the use of multi-way video chat during a newscast. An alum of the Missouri School of Journalism and former adjunct faculty, Sarah's reporting has taken her team around the globe capturing VR stories about the human spirit in the Amazon, UAE, Congo, Haiti and Zambia. Sarah is fascinated with what she calls "Human Media", or the evolution of communication to a three-dimensional world. Virtual and Augmented Realities are two mediums in which Sarah likes to create. StoryUP's roots are in virtual travel for Veterans. In 2015, Sarah built a program called "Honor Everywhere", that uses Virtual Reality to allow aging World War II Veterans the opportunity to see their WWII memorial. As Chief Storyteller at Veterans United Foundation, she told stories about Veterans and military families and used Human Media to give a voice to military charities. She's covered the aftermath of the 2004 Tsunami in Sri Lanka and Indonesia and produced documentaries in Vietnam and Guatemala on the world's mobility problem. Most recently, her team produced VR documentaries from the Amazon and eastern Congo about energy poverty. StoryUP creates content at the intersection of Journalism and Neuroscience. You can read StoryUP's case studies about immersive media and its impact on brain wave patterns for empathy, motivation and mindfulness here: http://www.story-up.com/ Let's StoryUP!
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Brittany Hodak | Keynote Speaker & Author
Brittany Hodak is an award-winning entrepreneur, author, and speaker who has delivered keynotes across the globe to organizations including American Express and the United Nations. She has written hundreds of articles for Forbes, Adweek, Success, and other top publications; she has appeared on programs on NBC, CBS, ABC, and CNN; and she has worked with some of the world’s biggest brands and entertainers, including Walmart, Disney, Katy Perry, and Dolly Parton. Entrepreneur magazine calls her “the expert at creating loyal fans for your brand.” Brittany’s debut book, Creating Superfans, will be in stores in January 2023.
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Hank Hoffmeier | Sr. Manager of Client Solutions | iContact
Hank is an author, speaker, podcast host and Sr. Manager of Client Solutions at iContact, a j2 Global company (Efax, PCMag, Mashable, IGN, Ziff Davis, Campaigner, and more). With a passion for all things digital and social, combined with more than 20 years of experience in sales and marketing, he had been dubbed the Digital Marketing Infotainer because he makes marketing fun and successful.
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Holly Homer | Blogger | Holly Homer
Holly has been blogging for 12 years. That seems like a simple path, but "blogging" included about 18 different websites and projects that all lead to what she is doing today. Holly's main website is KidsActivities.com and the Quirky Momma FB page. She is the co-author of three books: 101 Kids Activities that are the Bestest, Funnest Ever!, The 101 Coolest Simple Science Experiments, and 101 Kids Activities that are the Ooey, Gooey-est Ever! There are 219,492 copies of these books in the world and counting!
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Rory Hope
Rory é um profissional de SEO e growth marketing altamente experiente na formulação de estratégias de SEO bem-sucedidas, projetadas para fornecer um ROI claro, crescimento de SEO e receitas multimilionárias para organizações globais. Ele tem mais de oito anos de experiência em escalar uma agência e trabalhando com algumas das empresas de SaaS mais bem-sucedidas do mundo. Rory é apaixonado por desenvolver estratégias de canais integrados e compartilhar seu conhecimento sobre como usar insights de público para otimizar estratégias de SEO. Ele já foi destaque no INBOUND22, BrightonSEO, Semrush, OnCrawl, Content Marketing Institute e Audiense.
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Hope Horner
Foi três vezes empresária destaque no Top 25 Entrepreneurs to Watch da Inc., Entrepreneur's 11 Marketing Experts that Could Change Your Business e Pepperdine's 40 Under 40 Hope fundou a Lemonlight em 2014. A Lemonlight é uma empresa com sede em Los Angeles em um missão de facilitar a criação de conteúdo por meio de ferramentas inovadoras e dos maiores criadores do mundo. Lemonlight foi homenageado na Inc. 500 e Entrepreneur 360 por três anos consecutivos e Hope é um colaborador regular da Entrepreneur, Forbes, Inc. e várias outras publicações. Em 2021, a Lemonlight lançou sua própria plataforma de produção de vídeos.
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Erik Huberman
Erik Huberman é o CEO e fundador da Hawke Media, a agência de marketing digital que mais cresce em Los Angeles. Classificada na Inc. 5000 em 2019 e 2020, a Hawke Media trabalhou com clientes como Red Bull, Verizon e Eddie Bauer. Antes de Hawke, Erik saiu de sua empresa Swag of the Month e foi recrutado para a Science Incubator (Dollar Shave Club, DogVacay, MeUndies), onde aumentou as vendas da Ellie.com para US$ 1 milhão em quatro meses.
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Glenn Hughes | Video Producer | Gordian
Glenn Hughes has been a professional producer, videographer and editor for close to twenty years and has worked with clients worldwide. As a Video Producer at B2B company, Gordian, Glenn has coached everyone from the company President and Executive Team to Sales and Customer Service Reps on how to effectively create their own internal communications and external marketing videos with smartphones and webcams. As a result, Gordian now produces more selfie videos than any other kind.
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AJ Huisman | Founder | Y Content
With almost 25 years of experience in (interim) Leadership Marketing & Sales Roles for (international) B2B companies, AJ is a seasoned veteran as it comes to steering organizations through change with regard to their (content)marketing challenges. He is the founder of Y Content, a strategic marketing consultancy company and his previous positions in the trenches include Marketing Director Continental Europe at (Willis) Towers Watson and Head of Marketing at Kennedy Van der Laan an innovative Dutch Law Firm. He holds a Master's degree both in Business Marketing and in Communication and is a regular speaker on the subject of Content Marketing. He lives in an old bakery (1732) in a beautiful village just north of Amsterdam with his soon-to-be wife and their four children.
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Meghan Hultquist | President | Hq Digital
Meghan Hultquist is a passionate marketing strategist and the president of HQdigital, an agency she launched with her husband in 2018. She has led growth-focused marketing programs for more than a decade, including her role as director of marketing for Square 2, HubSpot's first diamond-tier partner and an Inc. 5000 fastest-growing company 2015-2017. Meghan is an accomplished industry thought leader, workshop presenter, speaker, and small business coach. She is the leader of the Toledo HubSpot User Group, a mentor for digital marketing science students at GreenFig, and an active member of EPIC Toledo, the largest organization for young professionals in Northwest Ohio. She earned multiple nominations for the Toledo 20 Under 40 Leadership Award in 2018, and she is a candidate again in 2019.
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Christina Inge | Founder | thoughtlight
Christina Inge has two decades of experience leading content strategy, digital strategy, and managing complex marketing technology projects. She specializes in articulating effective, efficient digital strategies for organizations using the latest channels to drive results. These strategies help organizations to transition from traditional to innovative marketing that can excel on mobile platforms. She is the founder of Sleek Marketing, which offers hands-on education on digital marketing in the Boston area. Christina served on the board of the American Marketing Association as vice president of social media throughout much of the 2000s. She is a frequent and sought-after speaker on web analytics, content strategy and SEO. She has worked with well established brands such as Nissan, Smithsonian, 222 Fifth, as well as a range of startups and nonprofits. Christina has won numerous awards for her work, including the Social Media Society Social Media Stars award, as well as the FutureM Future of Marketing award. She has been a Masschallenge mentor and has served on board of IEEE Entrepreneur's Network. Christina holds a BA in English from University of Maryland University College and a MS in Instructional Technology from University of Wyoming.
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Ron Jacobs | CEO & Founder | Jacobs & Clevenger
Ron Jacobs is the CEO and Founder of Jacobs & Clevenger -- a marketing agency with extensive expertise in customer relationship marketing. He is a recognized influencer on digital and database marketing transformation. The marketing industry veteran, author and teacher has nearly four decades of marketing experience and is a recognized leader in the marketing community for his work surrounding direct marketing. Ron has led clients like Mercedes, Ulta, Cars.com, Humana and Cintas (to name a few) and literally wrote the book on direct marketing, "Successful Direct Marketing Methods," which has sold more than 250,000 copies and is now the basis for modern relationship and response marketing. He is a world-renowned public speaker, frequently sharing his insights and strategies at marketing conferences and seminars worldwide. Awards & Notables: Recipient of lifetime achievement for marketing, and Direct Marketer of the Year awards; Author of Successful Direct Marketing Methods; Faculty at Northwestern Medill Integrated Marketing Communications Program for more than a decade
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Jennifer Jank
Jennifer “JJ” Jank ajuda as equipes a hackear seus cérebros para um melhor desempenho, e seu objetivo é ajudar os empreendedores, especialmente as mulheres, a projetar seus negócios para serem mais produtivos para que todos na empresa alcancem o equilíbrio ideal entre vida profissional e pessoal. Ela pode ser encontrada em seu site, www.jenniferjank.com, bem como no LinkedIn.
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Greg Jarboe | Presidente e Co-Fundador | SEO-PR
Greg Jarboe é presidente da SEO-PR, que ele cofundou com Jamie O'Donnell em 2003. Sua agência de marketing de conteúdo gerou resultados premiados para The Christian Science Monitor, eHarlequin, Get City Dealz, MarketingSherpa, Parents magazine, the SES Conference & Expo, Southwest Airlines e Rutgers University. Jarboe também é autor de YouTube and Video Marketing, que está em sua segunda edição. Ele também é um colaborador de quatro outros livros e também é um dos 25 gurus de sucesso entrevistados em Online Marketing Heroes por Michael Miller. Desde 2003, Jarboe escreveu mais de 1.000 posts para ClickZ, Inked, Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Watch, The SEM Post e Tubular Insights. Ele também é instrutor no Coursera, Rutgers Business School Executive Education, Simplilearn e Udemy. Além disso, ele é membro sênior da Society for New Communications Research.
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Debra Jasper | Founder, CEO | Mindset Digital
Mobile, custom, fast and easy. That's what it takes to meet the demands of today's digital consumer. That's why Mindset Digital Founder and CEO Debra Jasper is passionate about helping leaders tell powerful micro stories and compete in a world of AI, charming chatbots and more. In 2018, Debra was named by EY as one of the top 12 Entrepreneurial Women in North America. An international speaker, Debra has given keynotes in more than a dozen countries, from the Global Internet Conference in Australia to Sweden's Schibsted Academy and the Ukrainian Council of Ministers. Debra and her firm have provided training for more than 150,000 professionals in Fortune 100 firms around the world--illustrating how to break through the noise and capture attention in a digital age. Before launching her digital transformation firm, Debra: * directed Ohio State's Kiplinger Program in the John Glenn School of Public Affairs, where she launched the first social media fellowship for journalists in the world * working with CNN, 60 Minutes, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and other top newsrooms * spent more than a decade as an award-winning journalist, covering presidential campaigns and government--and producing in-depth, investigative projects that spurred new laws and reforms * earned two degrees in journalism, along with a Ph.D. in Educational Policy and Leadership from Ohio State (she wrote her dissertation on the art of powerful micro storytelling)
Palestrante CMC

Michael Johnson
Michael has been in the SEO industry for over eight years. He's developed hundreds of SEO campaigns and strategies for companies of all sizes, ranging from small businesses to Fortune 500 brands. As Sales Manager at Page One Power, Michael works with prospective partners to ensure goals, expectations, and beliefs all align before the launch of every campaign.
Palestrante CMC
Rachael Kay Albers | Founder and Creative Director | RKA ink
Rachael Kay Albers is a marketer who hates marketing. As the founder and creative director of RKA ink, a branding, web design, and digital marketing studio based outside Chicago, Rachael has helped hundreds of thought leaders and visionary entrepreneurs all over the world stand out online without selling their soul or playing the manipulation game. Rachael's clients have used their online platforms to launch bestselling books, five star podcasts, and six figure funnels. When not crafting epic, unforgettable brands for her clients, Rachael hosts Awkward Marketing, a business comedy show blending fun size small business advice with storytelling and sketch comedy, for entrepreneurs who want to create epic, unforgettable brands online. Rachael has been featured in Inc. Magazine and The Huffington Post and been a guest on podcasts like Shareable, Make Money Your Honey, Marketing In Yoga Pants, and The Entrepreneur Mastermind Show. Rachael lives in St. Charles, IL with her husband, daughter, two troublemaking dogs, and a bunch of old computer cords they're afraid to throw away.
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Alex Kelly
Alex supervisiona uma equipe de marketing de crescimento que inclui aquisição paga, SEO, campanhas integradas, eventos e operações de marketing, trabalhando com marcas como NBC Universal, Monster.com, JP Morgan, Wall Street Journal, United Airlines e United Healthcare para criar conteúdo imersivo experiências e implementar programas de marketing digital modernos que geram receita com eficiência. Antes da Ceros, ele foi um profissional de marketing de geração de demanda na Datadog e desenvolveu estratégias de inbound marketing para vários clientes em imóveis, tecnologia e educação na agência parceira da HubSpot Ironpaper.
Palestrante CMC

Samantha Kermode | Senior Director of Strategic Development | Investis Digital
Samantha speaks at numerous conferences around the country, where she teaches marketers and executives how to align their digital marketing efforts with their customers' journey. In her role as Senior Director of Strategic Development at Investis Digital, she crafts solutions that help brands stay in front of their ideal customers and exceed their business goals. A Cleveland native, Samantha moved to Phoenix in 2014 and kicked off a career in advertising at the local NBC affiliate. She progressed into the digital space, where she is now an expert in understanding how businesses can reach their customers at every stage of the buying cycle. Healthcare, aeronautics, higher education, consumer goods, manufacturing, ecommerce, you name it--Samantha has helped hundreds of brands across multiple industries look at their big picture and understand the gaps that prevent them from earning new customers and growing their bottom line. Samantha maintains a robust speaking schedule, giving dynamic 30-minute session talks on website migration. She also teaches a four-hour workshop on the customer journey at Digital Summit events and fields questions from marketers and CEOs alike at a variety of conferences across North America. Outside of work, Samantha's passions include animal activism, being outdoors, traveling almost every weekend and meeting new friends. You might spot her around town with her dog, Ziggy Wayne, on one of their many adventures.
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Leigh Kessler | VP Marketing | Charity Engine
In 1998, Leigh Kessler moved to LA to start his stand-up comedy career. Like any comic, his earliest gigs were performing 3 to 7 minute sets at open mics and coffeehouses across the city, for any audience at any time, in the pursuit of becoming a professional stand-up comedian. Five years later, he had become a headline act at comedy clubs, casinos, colleges, resorts and on cruise ships for Norwegian, Costa/Carnival, and Royal Caribbean. Talent in Motion Magazine called him "one of the few comedians that can make anyone laugh out loud" and "soon to be Television's Newest Star". He was also one of the most recognized comedians on the VH1 network, regularly appearing on hit shows like "The Greatest", and the network's top rated show "Best Week Ever", and CNN Headline News where he was a comedy panelist on "Showbiz Tonight". Other credits include Sportsnet New York, MSG Network, Discovery Channel and Sirius Radio. Over the past decade, Leigh has overseen and informed corporate, policy and campaign research and branding strategies for clients including Microsoft, McKinsey and Co. Johnson & Johnson, Duke Energy, GE, Monsanto, Friends of the Global Fund, Democracy Corps, NARAL, Kraft, TUMS, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Broadway, and the NYC Department of Health. During that time, he has lead enterprise CRM technology marketing and branding for Motionsoft Gym Management Software and CharityEngine Nonprofit Management Technology including 7 times recognition on INC. 5000 list of America's Fastest Growing Private companies and 2 times Deloitte Fast 500. He is a frequent speaker & presenter on technology, fundraising, data strategy and audience development.
Palestrante CMC

Nadya Khoja | Diretora de Marketing | Venngage Inc.
Nadya é a Diretora de Marketing da fabricante de infográficos Venngage. Quando ela não está escrevendo conteúdo de marketing atrevido, ela cozinha comida para estranhos em seu restaurante subterrâneo chamado Chez Lisgar. Ela tem um M.BA em Teatro Idealizado e mestrado em Mídias Digitais. Nadya tem paixão por criar conteúdo com o qual seu público goste de se envolver. Ela contribuiu para mais de 30 blogs e publicações de marketing e negócios, incluindo The Huffington Post, The Next Web, SumoMe e muito mais.
Palestrante CMC

Mark Kilens | VP Content and Community | Drift
Mark Kilens is VP of Content and Community at Drift where he leads the blogging, editorial, social, and events teams. Prior to joining Drift, he served as VP and founder of HubSpot Academy. As an enthusiastic former customer, Mark joined HubSpot in 2010 as an Inbound Marketing Consultant, where he spent two years working with thousands of HubSpot customers to scale their inbound strategy. From there, he went on to build HubSpot Academy from the ground up, and in doing so, educated millions of people and created a best-in-class hub for marketing and sales content and training. When he's not at Drift, Mark enjoys plenty of steak and lobster, a round of golf or two, and loves being on snow or in the ocean.
Palestrante CMC

Larry Kim | Founder and CTO | Mobile Monkey
Larry Kim is the founder and CEO of MobileMonkey, the world’s best Sales Outreach Automation and B2C + Creator/Influencer Data platform used by sales and marketing at companies of all sizes. He’s been named Search Marketer of the Year from PPC Hero (2013, 2014, 2015, and 2017), Search Engine Land, and the US Search Awards, and received the Barry M. Portnoy Immigrant Award for high-tech entrepreneurship in 2019. Larry is also ranked the #8 most popular author on Medium, and a contributor to CNBC and Inc. Magazine.
Palestrante CMC

Kenneth Kinney | VP of Marketing and Digital Strategy | Ai Media Group
"Shark" is a highly accomplished and creative marketer, lead generation and growth executive. He is passionate about leveraging data in omni-channel strategies and known for driving growth in Digital Marketing and Advanced and Addressable TV. He's lead national campaigns working with brands including Acxiom, Citi, Chase, Target, GM, American Express, FedEx, Honda, Toyota, TD Ameritrade, Panera, TruGreen, and over 50 colleges and universities. He has also been an on air host and producer of TV and Radio programs. He is the VP of Marketing and Digital Strategy at Ai Media Group and the host of "A Shark's Perspective" podcast.
Palestrante CMC

Scott Kolbe | Marketing Advisor | Market Your Craft
Scott Kolbe empowers owners and managers to grow sales using high-performance brand marketing. His passion for storytelling is contagious, sharing 20+ years of experience working with companies like Jim Beam, Oakley and Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Learn best practices for standing out in a crowded market with digital, social, public relations and events. Enter with an open mind about marketing as an asset and leave ready to immediately expand the capabilities of your internal teams and grow your business!
Palestrante CMC
Kat Koppett | Eponymous Founder | Koppett
The author of "Training to Imagine: Practical Improvisational Theatre Techniques to Enhance Creativity, Teamwork, Leadership, and Learning", published by Stylus Publishing Inc. Kat holds a B.F.A. in Drama from New York University and an M.A. in Organizational Psychology from Columbia University.She specializes in applying improvisational theatre techniques to the organizational stage to improve individual and group performance. Her clients include JPMorganChase, Apple, GE, Havas Health, Kaiser-Permanente, NYSID and Eli Lilly. A member of the National Speakers' Association and the Consulting Alliance, Kat has presented for the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), the North American Simulation and Gaming Association (NASAGA), Influent, International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI), the Rotary Club and the Young Presidents' Organization. TheaterWeek Magazine named Kat one of the year's "Unsung Heroes" for her creation of the improvisational theater format, Spontaneous Broadway, which is now performed regularly around the world. She has been seen in television ads for Pillsbury, Quaker Oats, and Dr Pepper (she was a Pepper!). Her short play, Don't Get Around Much Anymore, was a winner in Playground's Emerging Playwrights Festival. She is currently the Training Director of and a performer with the Albany, NY based improv company, The Mop & Bucket Company.
Palestrante CMC

Jonathan Kranz | Principal | Kranz Communications
Jonathan Kranz is the author of Writing Copy for Dummies and a copywriting veteran now in his 22nd year of independent practice. His clients include AT&T, Dow Jones, Elsevier, Fidelity Ventures, Harvard Business School, HP, Liberty Mutual, Nuance, Symantec and many others too numerous to list. A popular and provocative speaker, Jonathan offers in-house marketing writing training sessions that help organizations create content that establishes authority, attracts leads, and builds market presence. Jonathan has conducted workshops for companies such as Hattaway Communications, Kaplan, Schlumberger, Symantec and Xerox, and for professional development events led by groups such as the Content Marketing Institute (Content Marketing World) and MarketingProfs.
Palestrante CMC
Arnie Kuenn | CEO | Vertical Measures
Arnie Kuenn is the CEO of Vertical Measures, a full-service Internet marketing agency dedicated to helping clients drive profitable growth through SEO & content marketing. Arnie has held executive positions in the world of new technologies and marketing for more than 25 years. Mr. Kuenn is a founder of the Arizona Interactive Marketing Association (AZIMA). Arnie speaks at events around the world and has personally trained more than 3,000 students on content marketing. He recently published his second book, "Content Marketing Works", with his son Brad.
Palestrante CMC

Chad Lakin | VP | Shootsta North America
Chad Lakin is VP of Shootsta North America, one of the world's fastest-growing startups. Chad has many years of expertise in design, digital media and strategy. Since joining Shootsta in 2015, Chad's overarching leadership, strategy and wicked charm have consequently propelled the growth of the business to astronomical lengths -- really. He's heading up the US office to help bring the power of storytelling through video, to more brands and people around the globe. We've heard rumors that his appeal is infectious -- we warned you.
Palestrante CMC

Morgan Lasher
Depois de se formar na Ohio University, Morgan Lasher aceitou um cargo de consultor estratégico no Monitor Group (agora Monitor Deloitte) em seus escritórios de Cambridge, MA. Ela colaborou em equipes internacionais para criar estratégias de gestão corporativa e comunicação de marketing para as principais empresas globais, desde empresas farmacêuticas que lançam novos medicamentos até um grande varejista de produtos domésticos e de beleza identificando e segmentando quantitativamente seus mercados-alvo.
Palestrante CMC
Norm Laviolette | Co-Owner | Laugh Boston
During his 20 years in the entertainment business, Norm has excelled as a performer, director, producer and entreprenuer (with a few hard lessons along the way). As co-founder of the acclaimed Improv Asylum in Boston's North End, Norm grew the fledgling theater from an unknown improv troupe to a multi-million dollar business that entertains and trains people the world over. In 2013, Norm helped create Laugh Boston - a beautiful state-of-the-art comedy club & special events venue located in the booming Seaport District of Boston. Most recently, Norm co-founded and became the CEO of Asylum Gaming and Esports, New England's premiere full service gaming and Esports organization.
Palestrante CMC
Joe Lazauskas | VP of Marketing | Contently
Joe is the Director of Content Strategy for Contently and frequent contributor to The Content Strategist, winner of the 2016 Digiday Award for Best Brand Publication. A technology and marketing journalist, Joe is a regular contributor to Fast Company and has written for Mashable, Digiday, and Forbes, amongst other publications. His book, The Storytelling Edge: How to Transform Your Business, Stop Screaming Into the Void, and Make People Love You will be published by Wiley in January 2018.
Palestrante CMC
Jenn LeBlanc | CEO and Founder | ThinkResults Marketing
As CEO and founder of ThinkResults, Jenn works with CEOs, CMOs and change agents to drive results. For two decades, she has been launching companies and delivering leads and revenue growth for companies of all sizes including Microsoft, Intel, PeopleSoft, SAP, Taleo, Nektar Therapeutics and numerous life sciences and tech startups. To date, her work has delivered $1.5B in new revenue to clients. She is currently writing a book, due this spring, called Launching for Revenue about launching companies, products and services successfully.
Palestrante CMC

Tyler Lessard | VP Marketing | Vidyard
Tyler é um executivo de marketing B2B com paixão por narrativa criativa, marketing orientado a dados e criação de experiências de conteúdo excepcionais. Como vice-presidente de marketing da Vidyard, ele passou mais de 6 anos imerso no mundo do vídeo e conteúdo B2B, ajudando a definir e compartilhar as melhores práticas do setor. Ele é palestrante e autor frequente em tópicos como marketing de vídeo, marketing de conteúdo, vendas B2B, marketing baseado em contas e geração de demanda moderna. Tyler adora viajar, é um orgulhoso pai de 4 filhos e um grande fã de Westworld e Stranger Things.
Palestrante CMC

Areeya Lila | CEO | ViewN
Areeya Lila, CEO da ViewN, possui experiência de domínio em software empresarial, desenvolvimento de produtos e processos de negócios, fruto de uma carreira de 20 anos em consultoria de gerenciamento e gerenciamento de produtos de software. Agora, como uma empreendedora apaixonada por experiências incríveis do cliente e tecnologia de ponta, ela iniciou o ViewN, uma plataforma de dados do cliente alimentada por inteligência artificial para ajudar os profissionais de marketing a entender seus clientes a partir dos dados que eles têm em pedidos, engajamento de marketing e atendimento ao cliente. Transformamos dados em insights que os profissionais de marketing precisam para oferecer empatia e personalização da marca.
Palestrante CMC

Areeya Lila
BIO: Areeya Lila is a personable and passionate enterprise software and customer experience domain expert with over 20 years in management consulting and software product management. A serial entrepreneur, now she\'s co-founder and CEO of VIEWN. Areeya leads fundraising, strategic partnerships, GTM strategy at VIEWN, a no-code CDP (customer data platform) that marketers need to generate sales with customer segments, and AI-driven, BIAS-free personas used in personalization campaigns that convert. VIEWN enables marketers to execute personalized marketing strategies across channels by providing them with an intuitive user interface that helps them convert data into insights. Areeya leads fundraising, strategic partnerships, and GTM strategy at VIEWN, a CDP (customer data platform) that any marketer can use to create their customer segments and personas for personalized campaigns in targeted audiences.
Palestrante CMC

Michele Linn
Michele é uma guru do marketing de conteúdo, tendo trabalhado na área desde seus primeiros dias. Ela é cofundadora da Mantis Research, que publica e destaca pesquisas em marketing. Ela escreveu e publicou centenas de artigos sobre o assunto, sendo reconhecida como uma das Top Women in Media da Folio em 2015. Michele se formou como chefe editorial do Content Marketing Institute. Ela foi a primeira funcionária contratada lá e ajudou a organização a crescer para um público de 200.000 assinantes. Ela também não é estranha aos podcasts, tendo co-hospedado o Marketing Breakout Podcast por seis meses.
Palestrante CMC

Jacqueline Loch | EVP Social and Emerging Platforms | SJC Media
Jacquie is a content strategy and media executive specializing in delivering multi-platform content marketing solutions and ROI for brands across social media, digital, video, print, SEO, custom research and e-commerce. With over 25 years of experience, she is a branded content solutions expert who drives engagement and results for clients, and cultivates C-level relationships. In her role as EVP Customer Innovation, she works closely with SJC's largest clients to create innovative and compelling cross platform content solutions that deliver on company revenue goals. Most recently, Jacquie was VP & Group Publisher at SJC Media and TC Media where she oversaw a portfolio of consumer media brands including FASHION, ELLE Canada, Canadian Living, and Style at Home, and held the roles of VP Content Solutions and VP Client Solutions at Rogers Media, where she launched and led Rogers award-winning Content Solutions division. A recognized leader in marketing solutions and media innovation, Jacquie is Chair of The Content Council (New York) and a frequent speaker across North America and Europe, having created award-winning multi-platform content strategies for a range of clients.
Palestrante CMC

Kenda Macdonald
Kenda Macdonald is a forensic psychology major and the founder of Automation Ninjas. She is an international keynote speaker, a multi-award-winning businesswoman, a doting cat mom, and the author of the best selling book: Hack The Buyer Brain. Her biggest bugbear is how “modern” marketing doesn’t take consumer behaviour into consideration. Her mission is to fix that. Over years of insight through growing Automation Ninjas into an award-winning agency, becoming the UK’s leading behavioural automation agency through this behaviour first approach, Kenda has distilled her marketing knowledge and combined it with psychology proficiency.
Palestrante CMC

Margaret Magnarelli | Executive Director, Digital Product Evolution & Growth Marketing | Morgan Stanley
Margaret Magnarelli is executive director of audience acquisition and growth marketing at Morgan Stanley. In her role, she oversees social media, SEO, and conversion acquisition for the content-driven firmwide corporate marketing team. She was formerly VP of marketing at job site Monster.com, where she was a finalist for CMI's Content Marketer of the Year award and won awards for Best Blog and Best Content Strategy. She writes on marketing strategy for Forbes CMO Network, and has presented at Content Marketing World, SXSW, Content Marketing Conference, as well as events for ANA, PR News and Ragan. Prior to becoming a marketer, she worked as a magazine journalist--most recently executive editor at Money magazine.
Palestrante CMC
Luna Malbroux | Founder | EquiTable
Comedian, playwright and consultant Luna Malbroux wears many hats. Noted as a Woman to Watch by KQED, Luna Malbroux is the creator of EquiTable, a downloadable app that made international headlines for satirically solving the wage gap and providing 'reparations, one meal at a time'. She's a regular contributor to Gawker Media and has been featured in comedic sketches with AJ+, and Refinery 29. Her satirical play, "How to Be A White Man" is critically acclaimed as a conversation starter on identity. With her masters in social work from Columbia University, Luna works with Soul Bird Consulting to help organizations shift their culture.
Palestrante CMC

Lindsay Marder | Co-Founder | Digital Strategy Boot Camps
Lindsay Marder is DigitalMarketer's Managing Editor. Lindsay manages DigitalMarketer's content strategy, blog, editorial team, and Faculty program. In the past 12 months, Lindsay has generated over seven million unique sessions for the DigitalMarketer blog. She also has a publishing background, and has assisted in the ghostwriting, editing, and publishing of over 75 books in 50 different markets.
Palestrante CMC

Tom Martin
Tom is a no nonsense, straight-talking 30-year veteran of the sales & and marketing business who favors stiff drinks, good debates and helping companies Sell Greatly by turning conversations into customers. As an internationally recognized sales & marketing keynote speaker, founder of Converse Digital, and Author of The Invisible Sale, Tom marries his two passions, marketing & technology, to teach companies how to leverage digital marketing channels to achieve and sustain sales growth, enhance brand perception and painlessly prospect for new customers.
Palestrante CMC
Sam Martin | Director of Content | Leafly
Sam Martin joined Leafly as Managing Editor in 2015, becoming its Director of Content in 2016 and VP of Strategy and Business Development in 2017. In Sam's time at Leafly, monthly readership has increased by almost 400%. He has grown the editorial team and its monthly production exponentially, overseen the redesign of the Leafly content experience, and introduced a sponsored content program that led to consecutive years of record media sales growth. In 2017, he oversaw the launch of LeaflyTV, the site's video-on-demand player and video content hub. LeaflyTV debuted with Growers, a production made in collaboration with the producers of Deadliest Catch. Before Leafly, Sam was Executive Editor and Senior Content Strategist at Time Inc., where he led content production for flagship sponsored content partnerships with Ford Motor Company, AT&T, Caesars Entertainment and Bacardi Limited. He was previously a Lecturer of Creative Writing and Publishing Studies at Queensland University of Technology.
Palestrante CMC
Desiree Ray Martinez | Digital Marketing Director | All In One Social Media
Know for helping boring businesses stand out online, Desiree Martinez is an energetic video creator, Facebook Live host, social media consultant and speaker about strategic video and content marketing. Desiree is known for her step-by-step plans to help business, brands, and solopreneurs take actionable steps towards a successful online marketing plan. She is dedicated to helping the everyday business owners get results with their online marketing and helping bigger brands expand their marketing in new creative ways. Desiree is a mom to two rambunctious kids, wife to a United States Airman, and avid lover of Harry Potter and pedicures.
Palestrante CMC

Erica McGillivray | Marketing Consultant | Sliver of Ice
Erica McGillivray is community manager, marketing consultant, and author. At Moz, she wrangled an online marketing and SEO-focused community of 600,000. She's also a founder of GeekGirlCon, an all-volunteer nonprofit. Erica has a comic book collection that's an earthquake hazard. Follow her at @emcgillivray.
Palestrante CMC

Peter McGraw
An integral part of The Content Advisory Cathy helps organizations transform the way technology can enable business strategy and performance. In her current role, Cathy has helped dozens of companies realize their content and marketing/communication objectives. With 20 years of global experience and expertise in content strategy, content management, intranets, marketing technologies and customer experience, Cathy has both led both strategic business transformation initiatives, as well as the detailed execution of enterprise technology implementations. Cathy served at Aon Hewitt as the Innovation Lead and a Senior Associate for the Communications Consulting Team, building an innovative Web solutions practice for the company. As Director, Client Services at Prescient Digital Media, Cathy led a team of consultants delivering enterprise intranet strategies, and technology selection projects for a vast array of global clients. And, as Senior Communications Advisor for IBM's Global Services division, Cathy led budget planning, intranet management, and the overall strategy and messaging of IBM's values and Mission to internal enterprise audiences. She continues to lead strategic consulting and analyst engagements with Digital Clarity Group. With her background crossing technology, emergent business trends, and both internal and external communications, Cathy focuses on working with clients to bridge leadership, business process and technology acquisition and adoption. Cathy is a frequent speaker at events such as ContentTECH, ICC, CMO Summit Europe, the J Boye Intranet conference and North American CMS Experts group, and the Gilbane conference on Content, Technology, and the Customer Experience.
Palestrante CMC

Don McMillan | Diretor de Comédia | Tecnicamente engraçado
Don McMillan tem mestrado em engenharia elétrica pela Universidade de Stanford. Ele foi membro da equipe de design do primeiro microprocessador de 32 bits do mundo. Ele se tornou um membro fundador da empresa startup: VLSI Technology. Então, em 1993, ele foi o Grande Campeão de Comédia de $ 100.000 em "Star Search". Ele se apresentou no "The Tonight Show", na HBO e em TODA a Internet. Seu show combina observações inteligentes de comédia com sua apresentação em PowerPoint única. Don passa a maior parte do tempo escrevendo e realizando shows de comédia corporativa personalizados para empresas como Google, Apple, IBM, Ford, ExxonMobil e agora CMC. Ele realizou mais de 800 shows corporativos nos últimos 20 anos e foi nomeado o Comediante Corporativo nº 1 pela CBS Business Network.
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Gery Meleg | Creatopy
Gery Meleg is the head of Design and UX at Creatopy. He mentors a growing team of over 12 design experts from fields like User Experience, Interface Design, Branding, Visual Design, and Motion Graphics. He’s tasked with synchronizing key business activities across the department, with a focus on generating business value and growth through design, problem-solving, creativity, and craft.
Palestrante CMC

Rachel Meyer | Search Engine Marketing Strategist | Transdev On Demand, SuperShuttle
Rachel Meyer has worked in digital marketing since 2009. She recently joined Transdev On Demand, the parent company of SuperShuttle and ExecuCar and heads up all of the digital marketing for the two brands. When not working, she focuses on traveling to the Caribbean and discovering the best tiki cocktails across America with her husband.
Palestrante CMC

Gina Michnowicz
Gina é CEO e Diretora Executiva de Criação da The Craftsman Agency, onde se concentra na criação de momentos mágicos por meio de marketing experiencial personalizado e narrativa imersiva para marcas B2B e B2C. Com clientes anteriores, incluindo Cisco, Disney, Paramount e Microsoft, Gina liderou projetos desde o conceito até a entrega de experiências digitais imersivas, instalações experimentais, sites e campanhas publicitárias sob medida. O trabalho de Gina abrange desde marketing e vendas dentro de marcas, até agências e consultoria de gestão. Seu tempo em consultoria de gestão fortaleceu sua capacidade de pensar de forma estratégica e criativa, levando as equipes a empurrar o envelope com um trabalho que surpreende e intriga clientes em potencial.
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Casey Milone | Principal Creative Director | Milone&Co
Casey Milone cut his teeth working as a marketing copywriter in the agency scene in Seattle, working on iconic local brands like The Space Needle, Ivar's Seafood, Mallet Design, and Brooks. He then started a career long consulting journey, embedding himself into creative marketing teams at Alaska Airlines, Microsoft, and NVIDIA. In an effort to expand his service offerings and develop a process to work with technology startups, he launched Milone&Co in 2018. Milone&Co is a collective of freelancers and professional consultants located around the globe. Its primary goal is to offer full-scope creative process and development to teams who struggle with the pains of working with traditional branding and advertising agencies. By decentralizing the talent pool, Casey has created a proprietary creative process to deliver a full creative lift in a fraction of the time and at a much lower price.
Palestrante CMC
Jen Morilla | Founder | The Social Girl Traveler
Jen Morilla is the founder of a social impact travel blog called The Social Girl Traveler. She's been traveling the world with clean water-filters and dispensing them in developing communities around the world. She's impacted an estimate of 13,600 lives and she's been to 44 countries across 6 continents. As an influencer, Jen has been featured in Forbes, Oprah Magazine, The Huff Post, and many more major publications. Her expertise lies in storytelling and branding.
Palestrante CMC

Dorien Morin-Van Dam
Dorien Morin-van Dam is a Social Media Strategist, Certified Agile Marketer, International Keynote Speaker, Organic Specialist and Community Manager at More In Media. She is the host of Strategy Talks, a livestream show and podcast. Dorien has worked in the marketing industry for over 11 years. She loves running, hiking and skiing in her home state of Vermont, USA. You’ll recognize her on stage and online by her always present orange glasses, a nod to her Dutch heritage.
Palestrante CMC

Donna Mostrom
Donna Mostrom está no marketing há mais de 12 anos. Por meio de sua empresa, Damn Smart Marketing, ela fornece estratégia de conteúdo, redação e serviços de UX de sites para empresas de médio a grande porte. Donna usa o poder da autenticidade para ajudar seus clientes a construir seus públicos e criar conteúdo que agregue valor em cada ponto de contato. Ela trabalhou com grandes empresas como Walmart.com, Hershey's, Starbucks, L'Oreal e Convince & Convert, além de organizações sem fins lucrativos e startups. Fora do trabalho, Donna é mãe de dois meninos pequenos e dois schnauzers miniatura. Ela adora ioga, caminhadas, vinho tinto e uísque. Ela e seu marido, Stephen, vivem em Chandler, Arizona.
Palestrante CMC

Pamela Muldoon | Senior Consultant & Content Strategist | The Pedowitz Group
As a Content Strategist, Pamela has mastered the art and science of strategic content marketing that delivers tangible ROI. Her success formula incorporates a winning combination of MarTech, data and storytelling through content development. Her proven campaign & content marketing strategies ensure the content output from clients is intrinsically connected to the sales process and produces tangible revenue results. When not creating successful content marketing campaigns, Pamela is also a professional voiceover actor having worked on projects for Mercedes Benz, Jeld-Wen, Audi, The Travelers Group and many more.
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Marty Muse | Vice President of Marketing | LHP Engineering Solutions
Marty Muse is the CEO of Vennli. He has 15+ years of experience in executive leadership, strategic planning and marketing/sales operations where he has held various leadership roles with several SaaS organizations. Prior to taking the helm at Vennli, Marty led Relevance, a digital marketing agency as CEO where he directed an exceptional team while delivering services to a who's who list of Fortune 500 clientele including L'Oreal, Office Depot, FedEx, Macy's, Sears, Humana, and New York Life and many tech companies such as Rackspace, Seagate, Intel, HP, and Intuit to name a few.
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Tess Needham
Tess leads content marketing at WordPress VIP, the agile content platform leading a powerful enterprise ecosystem. Tess is responsible for strategizing and coordinating WordPress VIP’s marketing projects and empowering her team to create innovative and unique content. With experience in support, project management, and training, Tess is passionate about using the creative arts to help people work with technology.
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David Nihill | Fundador | FunnyBizz
David Nihill é um autor best-seller de Do You Talk Funny, listado pela Book Authority como o melhor livro de todos os tempos sobre falar em público e contar histórias. “Um dos melhores treinadores por aí”, de acordo com a Forbes.com, seu trabalho foi apresentado em Inc, Lifehacker, The Huffington Post, Forbes, The Irish Times, TED e NPR. Seus vídeos foram vistos mais de 50 milhões de vezes e seu conteúdo se tornou viral várias vezes, em plataformas como Facebook, Youtube, Tiktok e Slideshare.
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Sammy Obeid
Libanês-Sírio-Palestino-Italiano Americano, (tente dizer isso muito rápido) Sammy é formado em Administração e Matemática na UC Berkeley, agora focado em dividir os últimos tópicos de tendências em piadas que fazem sua barriga doer de tanto rir, ao mesmo tempo em que fica mais inteligente. Atualmente, ele é o apresentador do aclamado programa 100 Humans da Netflix, onde conduz experimentos científicos e sociais alucinantes em um grupo de 100 cobaias (não se preocupe, eles concordaram com isso). Ele também apareceu no America's Got Talent da NBC, Last Comic Standing, Conan da TBS, e muitas vezes lembra a estranhos que ele foi o primeiro comediante a contar piadas no Food Network (desculpe Rachel Ray). Em 2013, Sammy estabeleceu o recorde mundial de comédia por 1.001 noites consecutivas, com sua história publicada na Time Magazine e no The New York Times. Assim que a pandemia chegou, Sammy abriu seu próprio clube de comédia virtual, KO Comedy, ajudando comediantes de todo o mundo a continuar trabalhando em tempos difíceis.
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Lee Odden | CEO e Co-Fundador | Top Rank Marketing
Lee é estrategista de marketing, autor, palestrante e CEO da TopRank Marketing, uma agência de marketing digital que atende algumas das principais marcas do mundo com consultoria de conteúdo, pesquisa, mídia social e marketing de influenciadores. Citado pelo The Wall Street Journal, The Economist e Forbes por sua experiência em marketing, Lee evangelizou uma abordagem integrada de marketing e relações públicas em quase 200 eventos de palestras em 16 países diferentes e por meio de um blog premiado no toprankblog.com.
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Kasha Patel | Founder | DC Science Comedy
Named one of the “Best Undiscovered Comedians” in the U.S. by Thrillist magazine, Kasha Patel has a unique voice that couples life as an Indian-American and her love for science. She produces science-themed comedy shows through her company DC Science Comedy. She gave a TEDx talk called “Sneaking Science into Stand-Up” where she shares a series of surprising revelations pulled from her analysis of more than 500 of her stand-up jokes. She has been featured in “The Washington Post,” BBC World News, Travel Channel, The Science Channel, The Weather Channel, and hosted a mini series on NASA TV.
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Sweta Patel | Columnist | Silicon Valley Startup Marketing
Sweta Patel - [email protected] I have a career in which I can strengthen and utilize my creative abilities. I love creativity and anything that involves people and ideas. I have a passion for marketing and advertising.I'm passionate about turning strangers into interested customers. About turning the uninspired into the ambitious. About making passive people totally engaged through interaction. This can be possible by engaging people with a strategic plan that will help build a foundation for your business. By building a community around principles that will enhance the business. And by empowering customers to share and remix elements of your message until they become supporters and proponents for your brand instead of watching your advertising. When a new product is launched, I feel I must be as ready to perform as a professional athlete. So much must be accomplished at once. The brand, the product positioning, mindshare, press reaction, word of mouth; every factor that will determine whether the product or service is successful or not depends on the marketing efforts of the initial phase of that launch. My experiences have taught me how to prepare, like that professional athlete I mentioned before, to the point where all the elements of a successful product launch are ready before the item or service is ready to ship. I would like to explain how I intend to bring this same level of preparation and professionalism to your organization. Specialties: Creative marketing, advertising, event planning, auditing, budgeting, communication skills, customer relations, customer satisfaction, market positioning, marketing, organizational skills, presentation skills, strategic planning. Proficient with A/B and Multivariate Testing; Optimizely; MOZ; Aweber; Exact Target; Eloqua; BaseCRM; Salesforce; HubSpot; Marketo; CrazyEgg; Microsoft Office; Go-To-Webinar; Active Campaign; LeadPages; Wordpress; AdWords; Google Analytics; and Facebook Ad Manager.
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Cameron Pegg
Cameron starts every project in the same way—by asking lots of questions. A journalist and editor by trade, he helps organizations to find the words, stories, and content that reveal who they are. Cameron is a founding editorial board member of the “Journal of Educational Advancement and Marketing” (UK), and has created a series of content training courses for the Executive Education program at the Queensland University of Technology. A data-driven storytelling advocate, Cameron has yet to meet a Sankey diagram or treemap that he didn’t like.
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Christopher Penn | Chief Data Scientist | Trust Insights
Christopher S. Penn is an authority on analytics, digital marketing, and marketing technology. A recognized thought leader, best-selling author, and keynote speaker, he has shaped four key fields in the marketing industry: Google Analytics adoption, data-driven marketing and PR, modern email marketing, and artificial intelligence/machine learning in marketing. As Chief Data Scientist of Trust Insights, he is responsible for the creation of products and services, creation and maintenance of all code and intellectual property, technology and marketing strategy, brand awareness, and research & development.Mr. Penn is a 2020, three-time IBM Champion in IBM Analytics, a Brand24 Top 100 Digital Marketer, co-founder of the groundbreaking PodCamp Conference, and co-host of the Marketing Over Coffee marketing podcast. Prior to cofounding Trust Insights, he built the marketing for a series of startups with a 100% successful exit rate in the financial services, SaaS software, and public relations industries.Mr. Penn is an IBM Watson Machine Learning Certified Professional, a Google Analytics Certified Professional, a Google Ads Certified Professional, a Google Digital Sales Certified Professional, and a Hubspot Inbound Certified Professional. He is the author of over two dozen marketing books including bestsellers such as AI for Marketers: A Primer and Introduction, Marketing White Belt: Basics for the Digital Marketer, Marketing Red Belt: Connecting With Your Creative Mind, and Marketing Blue Belt: From Data Zero to Marketing Hero, and Leading Innovation.
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Katie Pennell | Senior Performance Content & SEO Manager | Nina Hale
Katie Pennell is a Senior Performance Content & SEO Manager and member of Nina Hale's performance content, SEO and social team. Thoughtful, strategic, and genuinely enthusiastic about all things content, Katie is responsible for helping her clients create content strategies, maximize search visibility, and engage their audiences throughout the customer journey. She creates effortless rapport with her clients and ensures every recommendation is rooted in data. Her work has not gone unnoticed. In 2017 she was part of the team selected as a finalist for "Best Content Marketing Program for Retail" in 2017. She has also presented at a variety of national digital marketing and content strategy conferences, including Brightcove PLAY, Confab, SMX Advanced, and Content Marketing World.
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Re Perez | CEO | Branding For The People
Re Perez is a seasoned Brand Strategist, International Speaker, Author and CEO of Branding For The People. As the founder of a leading branding agency that builds and manages brands for funded startups, high-growth entrepreneurs, Inc. 5000 fastest-growing companies, and expanding small to midsize businesses around the globe, Re is a sought out expert in the industry.
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Kiley Peters | Owner and CEO | Brainchild Studios
Kiley Peters is the Owner and CEO of Brainchild Studios, a boutique digital content marketing, and website creation agency primarily serving brands targeting millennial moms through customer research and digital strategies. She is also the Founder of the Work From Home Playbook, a series of online courses guiding aspiring entrepreneurial moms through the steps of starting a virtual business. As a three-time entrepreneur, with over a decade of industry experience, she has worked on digital marketing strategies for over 75 brands ranging from small businesses to global enterprises. Her primary areas of expertise include strategic business consultation, digital content strategy, and consumer behavior research and analysis. She is an Adjunct Professor at Marquette University teaching Digital Content Strategy and holds dual Bachelor of Arts degrees from Marquette University and an MBA from the University of Illinois at Chicago.
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Ben Plomion | Chief Growth Officer | GumGum
Ben Plomion is responsible for brand management, integrated marketing programs and corporate communications at GumGum. In representing GumGum to the wider digital ecosystem, Plomion is a contributor to Forbes, Adweek and Adage, as well as a regular speaker at industry events like Advertising Week and OMMA. Before joining GumGum he held a variety of marketing leadership positions at General Electric, where he helmed the company's global digital media practice. Plomion is a French native and a graduate of GE's Experienced Commercial Leadership program and McGill University's MBA program. He lives in Venice Beach with his wife and son, and is an avid surfer and skateboarder.
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Chad Pollitt | Board Member | Cryptopal, Swachhcoin, AdHive.tv
Chad Pollitt, a decorated veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom and former US Army Commander, is the Co-founder of Relevance, the world's first and only website dedicated to content promotion, news and insights. He's also an Adjunct Professor of Internet Marketing at the Indiana University Kelley School of Business and an Adjunct Instructor of Content Marketing at the Rutgers University Business School. A member of a Forbes Top 100 list, Chad authored "The Native Advertising Manifesto," "The Content Promotion Manifesto" and "51 Things Your Mother Taught You About Inbound Marketing." He is a regular contributor to industry media outlets, including the Huffington Post, Guardian and Social Media Today. He has been creating profitable online campaigns for over 16 years for some of the World's most recognizable brands. All while delivering tens of millions of dollars of tracked return on SEO alone. In addition, he's driven over 100,000 leads and 24,000 marketing qualified leads in less than 10 years. Named a top five content marketing thought leader and top 20 CMO influencer, he continues to innovate by leading the emerging industry of online content promotion and distribution.
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Courtney Pong | CSZ Boston
Courtney Pong is the Owner of CSz Boston, a training company leading teams to more communicative, collaborative, and inclusive workplaces using the skills and systems of improv. As a professional improviser for over 21 years, Courtney has designed and led team building workshops and entertainment for companies like Ocean Spray, Bloomberg LP, and Google. When she’s not teaching improv to companies, she's an Associate Professor at Emerson College. At the intersection of Courtney’s improv background is over 15 years of experience in marketing, public relations, and social media working with enterprise software and digital health startups. Courtney hails from San Francisco and now lives in Boston with her dog Meryl Sheep.
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Vesselin Popov | Executive Director | The Psychometrics Center, Cambridge University
Vesselin Popov is the Business Development Director for the University of Cambridge Psychometrics Centre, a multidisciplinary research institute specialising in online behaviour and psychological assessment. He puts cutting-edge academic research into practice and combines Big Data methods with psychological theory to create impact in business, education, health and society. Vess also coordinates Apply MagicSauce, a battery of predictive algorithms based on over 6 million users' psychological and social media data. Apply Magic Sauce API translates digital footprints of human behaviour into accurate psycho-demographic profiles. This tool has had a tremendous impact on public awareness around predictive technologies (serving up to 150,000 users a day) as well as revolutionising data-driven communications campaigns. Vess works with agencies and brands to personalise content around the psychological traits of their customers and is an expert in the ethical implementation of these techniques.
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Prashant Puri
Prashant Puri é um profissional de marketing experiente com mais de 15 anos de experiência online. Prashant utilizou com sucesso uma variedade de estratégias e técnicas de marketing on-line - SEO, SEM, anúncios de display/rich media, marketing de afiliados e marketing por e-mail.
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Anita Ramanathan | Word Cortex
Anita is an award-winning speaker who delivers high-value, energetic and actionable workshops on how to communicate sophisticated ideas and data insights, especially in the science and tech industry. A neuroscientist by training, she once wore gloves and examined brain sections before switching gears to become a science communicator. In her capacity as a science writer/editor, she has uncovered and crafted hundreds of stories buried under numbers, data and dry facts. She co-founded the science education website, Knowing Neurons, has written for NIH Research Matters and worked with high-profile science companies to develop their editorial campaigns. Through her company, Word Cortex, Anita helps package complex ideas in an engaging way.
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Mike Roberts | President and Founder | SpyFu
Mike Roberts is the Founder and CEO of SpyFu, a service that lets you learn from and download your competitors' AdWords and SEO campaign history. Mike is an industry recognized expert in SEO, PPC, and competitive intelligence. Having founded SpyFu in 2006, he led the charge in transforming the way search marketers craft their strategies in PPC and SEO. Like many creators, Mike obsesses over what makes something work. He applies that thinking to search marketing, pulling apart the data to learn why some advertisers are more successful so that everyone can learn from the wisdom of the market.
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Paul Roetzer
Paul Roetzer is founder and CEO of Marketing AI Institute, and founder of Ready North (formerly PR 20/20), HubSpot’s first partner agency. He is the author of Marketing Artificial Intelligence (Matt Holt Books, 2022) The Marketing Performance Blueprint (Wiley, 2014) and The Marketing Agency Blueprint (Wiley, 2012); and creator of the Marketing AI Conference (MAICON). As a speaker, Roetzer is focused on making AI approachable and actionable for marketers and business leaders. A graduate of Ohio University’s E.W. Scripps School of Journalism, Roetzer has consulted for hundreds of organizations, from startups to Fortune 500 companies.
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Veronica Romney | Founder and President | LoSoMo Inc.
Veronica is a 10-year branding and marketing veteran. Even more than that, she is a wife, a mother, an agency owner, and a brand consultant. Veronica has always combined both vision and execution when working with some of the world's most respected brands including Sprint, Marriott, IMAX, Dr. Weil Vitamin Advisor, and more. She is the Founder and President of LoSoMo Inc, a branding and digital marketing agency based in Boca Raton, FL that helps both company brands and personal brands stand out in a busy digital world. When she isn't busy wrangling a business and two kids, she is an in-demand international speaker with topics ranging from disruptive digital marketing strategies and trends to why having a personal brand is necessary to succeed in business today regardless of industry.
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Justin Rondeau | Gerente Geral | The Scalable Company, Praxio, Recess,io
Justin Rondeau é o diretor de otimização da DigitalMarketer e administra todos os esforços de otimização da DM, desenvolveu um curso rigoroso de análise e otimização e certificou centenas de profissionais de otimização e análise. Nomeado um dos 25 profissionais de CRO mais influentes, Rondeau passou toda a sua carreira trabalhando em campanhas de otimização e ajudou a treinar algumas das principais equipes de otimização em empresas da Fortune 500. A Rondeau executou centenas de testes para marcas B2B e de comércio eletrônico e analisou mais de 3.000 testes de divisão em praticamente todos os setores.
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Taylor Rose | VP Online Revenue | Progrexion
Taylor is the VP of E-Commerce at Progrexion. His role in organizations is to form a cohesion between customer acquisition strategies and the technologies on which they're dependent. He has built and managed web properties responsible for attracting millions of monthly visitors and nearly 1 billion dollars in lifetime revenue.
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Lindy Roux | Vice President, Managing Director | Tendo
Lindy has over two decades of experience in content and digital strategy, CMS, SEO, user experience, consumer insights, branding and analytics. She has led a broad range of engagements including enterprise-level websites, ecommerce sites, experiential micro sites, online communities, integrated campaigns, mobile applications and email and social media programs. Lindy is experienced in a number of enterprise CMS's, Digital Asset Mangagement (DAM's), ecommerce and community platforms including Adobe Experience Manager, SDL Tridion, Sitecore, Sharepoint, Telligent, Lithium, Hybris and ADAM. Her experience spans leading media, technology, consulting, non-profit, travel, pharma and consumer retail brands.
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Daniel Russell | COO | Go Fish Digital
Daniel Russell is the COO at award-winning agency Go Fish Digital, where he has worked with the world's largest organizations and well-known public figures to build their brands online. His innovative strategies cover nearly all digital platforms, from improving Yelp scores to creating new sales channels through social media. In just the last year, Daniel's work has hit the front page of Reddit, earned the #1 spot on YouTube, and has been featured in The Washington Post, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Yahoo News, and Inc. He is also a licensed attorney.
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Paul Sanders | CEO | Offer Economics
Paul Sanders is the CEO of Offer Economics - a consulting firm that helps Education Companies make their backend products up to 10X more valuable through dynamic market positioning. His experience started 6 years ago in a struggling startup about to go under days before Christmas. He constructed a single compelling offer which enabled the fledgling startup to cashflow their traffic and go on to bring in over one million dollars the next year. Today Paul helps companies in 3 continents convert more traffic, increase prices and close clients by turning products into high value, irresistible offers.
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Neal Schaffer | Palestrante e Consultor de Marketing Digital e de Mídias Sociais | NealSchaffer. com
Neal Schaffer é uma autoridade líder em ajudar empresas em sua transformação digital por meio de consultoria, treinamento e ajudar empresas grandes e pequenas a executar estratégias de marketing de mídia social, marketing de influenciadores e iniciativas de vendas sociais. Presidente da agência de mídia social PDCA Social, Neal também ensina mídia digital para executivos da Rutgers University, do Irish Management Institute (Irlanda) e da University of Jyvaskyla (Finlândia). Fluente em japonês e chinês mandarim, Neal é um palestrante popular e foi convidado a falar sobre mídia digital em quatro continentes em uma dúzia de países. Ele também é autor de 3 livros sobre mídias sociais, incluindo Maximize Your Social (Wiley), e em 2018 publicará seu 4º livro, The Business of Influence, sobre como educar o mercado sobre como qualquer negócio pode alavancar o potencial do marketing de influenciadores. Neal reside em Irvine, Califórnia, mas também viaja frequentemente para o Japão.
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Dana Schmidt
Dana M. Schmidt is the Chief Strategy Officer at Slice Communications. Driven by her passion for digital marketing, Dana champions brand storytelling across social media, PR and email platforms. She earned an Emmy award for her work on the “Women and Girls Lead” series at Rocky Mountain PBS. And is an active contributor on Adweek, NBC10, 6ABC's Inside Story. You’ll find her on the speaker roster at Social Media Day. And in her spare time you’ll likely find her hiking with her husband, children, and fluffy husky.
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Chris Schreiber | Chief Marketing Officer | Brandcast
Chris leads all Marketing for Brandcast and has worked in high growth technology companies for over 12 years in San Francisco and Silicon Valley. Chris previously worked for Google, where he worked on marketing and communications for the consumer apps suite, and also ran Marketing for Sharethrough, where helped transform the company into a leader in native advertising technology.
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Jay Schwedelson
Jay Schwedelson is the founder of SubjectLine.com, the leading free subject-line rating tool ranked in the top 1% of all websites worldwide. Having led SubjectLine.com through the testing of more than 12 million subject lines, Jay uses his knowledge to guide organizations across multiple industries on how to implement impactful email marketing. Jay is also the president and CEO of Worldata Group, a multi-brand marketing services company whose portfolio includes Subjectline.com, Outcome Media and Guru Events which puts on the GURU conference, the world’s largest email marketing event.
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Melissa Sciorra | Assoc. Director, Traffic and Operations | EverQuote
Melissa Sciorra is the Senior Manager of SEO for SmarterTravel, the media arm of TripAdvisor. She works on implementing content strategy, technical SEO, and on-page SEO across well-known editorial brands that reach nearly 200 million unique visitors each month. Her portfolio currently includes Oyster.com, Jetsetter.com, FamilyVacationCritic.com, SmarterTravel.com, WhatToPack.com, and Airfarewatchdog.com. In the past seven months at SmarterTravel, Melissa has grown the organic presence of the brands by more than 100%. Melissa has been nominated for SEMPO's Industry MVP and Conductor Searchlight's Industry MVP Searchie award, won PR Daily's Digital Award for Best SEO, and won PR News' Digital Award for SEO.
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David Meerman Scott | Entrepreneur, Advisor, Keynote Speaker and WSJ Bestselling Author | Freshspot Marketing
No one knows more about using the new real-time tools and strategies to spread ideas, influence minds and build business than David Meerman Scott. He's a sales and marketing strategist who has spoken on all seven continents and in over 45 countries to audiences of the most respected firms, organizations, and associations. David is the author of ten books--three are international bestsellers. He was the first to write a book about content marketing and is best known for "The New Rules of Marketing & PR", now in its 6th edition, which has been translated into 29 languages from Albanian to Vietnamese and is a modern business classic with over 400,000 copies sold so far. David is an entrepreneur, partner at a VC firm focused on early-stage SaaS companies, and serves as an advisor to select emerging companies who are working to transform their industries by delivering disruptive products and services. His advisory clients include HubSpot (NYSE: HUBS), where he also serves as Marketer in Residence. He began working with HubSpot in 2007 when the company had a handful of customers and fewer than 10 employees, helping the HubSpot team with rapid sales and marketing strategies that have grown the company to 52,000 customers in nearly 100 countries. His current portfolio of advisory clients also includes YayPay, Mynd, Expertfile, RISEcx, Set The Set, SlapFive, Foxtrot Systems, and GutCheck as well as non-profits including the Grateful Dead Archive at University of California Santa Cruz and HeadCount.
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Dr. Reyzan Shali
Reyzan Shali, MD, provides comprehensive primary care services for adults, focusing on preventive medicine. Dr. Shali also has expertise in healthy aging and women’s health. Reyzan speaks on the topics of intuition and nutrition and how they apply to business success. Known for always speaking from the heart she brings palpable resilience, authenticity, and positivity to live and virtual stages. A proud daughter of two great Kurdish parents from the Kurdistan region of Iraq, she is a loving mother, wife, sister, aunt, and friend to many. A Pittsburgh Steelers fan to the core, her family often calls her the “Roethlisberger of Medetireaan Cooking!”
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Tom Shapiro | CEO | Stratabeat
Tom Shapiro é CEO da Stratabeat, Inc. uma agência de marketing, branding e web design B2B. Ao longo de sua carreira, Shapiro desenvolveu estratégias de marketing para vários líderes de mercado, incluindo Intel, AT&T, Hewlett-Packard, UnitedHealthcare e P&G. Anteriormente, Shapiro foi Diretor de Estratégia Digital na agência de marketing digital iProspect. Durante seus cinco anos na empresa, o número de funcionários cresceu de 85 para mais de 700. Shapiro tem uma profunda paixão por neuromarketing, psicologia e ciência comportamental, e seus insights foram publicados no Chief Marketer, CMO.com, CNN. com, Forbes, MarketingProfs, entre outros. O livro de Shapiro "Rethink Your Marketing" está disponível na Amazon.com.
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Paul Shapiro | Global Director, Technical SEO | Cond? Nast
Paul Shapiro, Senior Partner, Head of SEO at Catalyst, specializes in technical SEO for Fortune 500 companies and is the founder of the industry's first technical SEO conference, TechSEO Boost. In his free time, he enjoys horror movies and overly-complicated board games.
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Shalewa Sharpe | Comedian
Shalewa Sharpe is a Brooklyn-based comedian. She developed her sly yet goofy style in Atlanta, where she was raised. She has appeared on HBO's "2 Dope Queens" and Comedy Central's "The New Negroes." In 2019 she played the role of Yvette in John Cameron Mitchell's musical podcast "Anthem: Homunculus" and was named one of Vulture's Comic To Watch. She also has two albums of jokes: "Stay Eating Cookies" (2016) and "So You Just Out Here?" (2019). She can be found on Twitter, Instagram, and Venmo at @silkyjumbo.
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Ayat Shukairy | Co-Founder/CRO Queen | Invesp
Ayat Shukairy Co-Founder Invesp, CRO Queen Ayat Shukairy is a recognized expert on marketing strategy and an in-demand speaker who has presented at marketing conferences throughout the world. With over 12 years of entrepreneurial and marketing experience, Ayat helps companies create websites fall in love with, while increasing their online sales. Her clients include eBay, 3M, the Special Olympics, DISH Network, Discovery, Rainbow, and many more. Ayat is the co-author of "Conversion Optimization," an Amazon.com best-selling book, In her book, she combines ground-breaking marketing research with powerful story-telling and case studies to demonstrate how to leverage these principles to create highly converting websites.
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Mads Singers
Mads has more than 10 years of experience in Fortune 500 companies, such as Xerox and IBM, and more than 10 years of experience coaching and consulting online entrepreneurs on Management & Outsourcing. He has also spoken at many larger events such as CMSEO, TiECon, DCBKK, DMSS Bali, SEO Spring Training, SEODay, 7 Figure Seller Summit and the Survive and Thrive Ecommerce Summit. Mads currently owns and runs 5 companies, and manages more than 150 people, he doesn't just talk the talk, he walks the walk. As well as being a management expert, Mads is also an expert on growing and scaling an online business, and he is one of the industry experts in the DiSC methodology, which is a cornerstone in his management philosophy and he shares his knowledge through the Effective Management Mastery course & community.
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Chris Silver Smith | Founder | Argent Media
Chris Silver Smith is founder of Argent Media, a search marketing agency specializing in Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Management, and Online Reputation Management. Chris has provided consulting for many Fortune 500 and Internet Retailer 500 companies and has served on the board of advisors for Universal Business Listing, and the SEO Board of Advisors for Thomson-Reuters FindLaw. Chris frequently has served as an expert witness for litigation involving online trademark infringement, defamation, and search engine results. As an expert witness he has served in cases involving PODS Enterprises, U-Haul, Google, The Academy Awards, GoDaddy, Fox News, and more. Chris is also a long-time columnist at Search Engine Land and Marketing Land.
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Nicola Smith | Founder and CEO | Rebel & Reason
Nicola Smith is the founder/CEO of REBEL & REASON. Her unique approach to innovation is driven by a deep understanding of the connectivity between rebelliousness, creative problem solving and innovation along with her 15 years of experience working with Fortune 500 brands on corporate innovation and R & D initiatives. Nicola is a professional speaker, regularly sought for her expertise in customer experience, emerging trends, creative problem solving, and Enterprise innovation. She is also founding member of Digital Divas, a community organization focused on promoting and mentoring women in digital and technology based fields and Silicon Peach, an innovation-focused event series.
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Spencer Smith | Principal | Spencer X Smith Consulting
Spencer Smith is the founder of Spencer X. Smith Consulting and an instructor at the University of Wisconsin, where he teaches classes on Social Media Strategy. He's had the privilege of working with the world's largest firm (DLA Piper) and seven Fortune 500 companies -- IBM, Kohl's Corp, Kimberly-Clark, Oshkosh Truck, The Hartford, Nationwide, and American Family Insurance. He speaks at an average of 60 conferences and other events per year, and only teaches what he first has proven to work himself with his own business. Spencer has been featured and quoted in Forbes, The Huffington Post, Money Magazine, Entrepreneur, Inc. magazine, Yahoo Small Business Advisor, MSN Money, Costco Connection and dozens of other publications. Spencer also writes the column #SocialBiz for InBusiness Magazine, and contributes to the Huffington Post.
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Josh Steimle | CEO | MWI
Josh Steimle is an author, speaker, and entrepreneur. He has written over 200 articles for publications like Forbes, Mashable, TechCrunch, and Time, and is the author of "Chief Marketing Officers at Work: How Top Marketers Build Customer Loyalty". Steimle is a TEDx speaker and has presented at conferences like ClickZ Live, Adtech, Social Media Week. He is also the founder and CEO of MWI, a digital marketing firm he founded in 1999 with offices in Hong Kong and the U.S. Steimle was recently recognized by Entrepreneur magazine as one of 50 Online Marketing Influencers To Watch in 2016.
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John Stone | CEO | Revenue Architects
John Stone, CEO of Revenue Architects works at the intersections of sales, marketing and technology. Before founding Revenue Architects, John held senior positions at PA Consulting Group, Viant, AT&T Solutions and IBM. John was a "Golden Circle" IBM salesman, and earned IBM's top innovation award for "The Analyzer" a total cost of ownership ROI tool used worldwide by IBM sales. At PA Consulting, John led global sales transformation consulting assignments worldwide and at Viant he lead enterprise sales for digital businesses transformation. John launched the first Inbound Marketing Summit collaborating with HubSpot before founding Revenue Architects. Revenue Architects helps businesses achieve accelerated, sustainable and predictable revenue growth by aligning marketing and sales for full-funnel buyer engagement. John is an active speaker on marketing and sales excellence, digital marketing, social media, and technology.
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Samantha Stone | Author, Founder & CMO | Marketing Advisory Network
Samantha Stone is a revenue catalyst who helps unleash the possible in organizations that have complex selling processes. She's a fast-growth, B2B marketing junkie, author, speaker, consultant and persona coach who has also managed to find time to raise four boys with her husband, David. Throughout her career she has launched go-to-market initiatives and led marketing strategies for award-winning, high-growth companies including Netezza, SAP, Ascential Software and Powersoft. In 2012 she founded The Marketing Advisory Network to help savvy business leaders unleash the possible within their enterprises.
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Michal Suski
Digital marketer with love for SEO, Michał co-founded SurferSEO and has been evangelizing the product and data-driven approach to optimization content at scale. He trained hundreds of SEOs, copywriters, and marketers over the years on the full spectrum of search marketing ranging from on-page SEO, content optimization, and how to use AI to perform SEO magic.
Palestrante CMC

Matt Sweezey | Director of Market Strategy | Salesforce
Mathew Sweezey is the Director of Market Strategy for Salesforce, and author of The Context Marketing Revolution (HBR 2020). He is regarded as one of the leading minds on the future of marketing and his visionary insights into consumer behavior, technology, and new business strategies have changed the way startups, Fortune 500, and nonprofit organizations alike find customers, break through, and build modern brands. In addition to his work with brands, Mathew is the host of the award-winning podcast The Electronic Propaganda Society and an accomplished writer having written for The Economist, Forbes, HBR The Observer, and Adage.
Palestrante CMC

Andrew Tarvin | CEO | Humor That Works
Andrew Tarvin é o CEO da Humor That Works, uma empresa de desenvolvimento de liderança que ensina profissionais como usar o humor para alcançar melhores resultados nos negócios. Ele fez parceria com as principais organizações - incluindo a IBM, a ONU e o FBI - para resolver desafios humanos com soluções de humor. Autor de best-sellers, Andrew foi destaque no The Wall Street Journal, Inc e FastCompany, e foi nomeado "Visionary Under 40" pela P&G Alumni Network. Sua palestra no TEDx sobre a habilidade do humor foi vista mais de seis milhões de vezes, apenas metade das quais por sua mãe. Ele adora chocolate e twittar trocadilhos.
Palestrante CMC

Steph Taylor
Steph Taylor is a marketer, launch strategist and host of the Imperfect Action podcast with more than 1.5 million downloads to date. When she’s not helping creators to monetise and scale with their digital offers, she writes a weekly newsletter called Web3 for Marketers, designed to help crypto-curious marketers better understand web3 and how it could change the marketing world.
Palestrante CMC

Renee Teeley | Founder | Video Explained
Renee is the founder of Video Explained and co-host of the Video Marketing Value podcast. She has been named as one of the top voices to follow on how to use video content to engage and educate throughout the buyer's journey. She previously served as part of the executive team at Powtoon and was the Global Director of Digital Marketing at Brightcove. She has also held positions at video technology companies such as Ooyala (acquired by Brightcove), LiveRail (acquired by Facebook), BitGravity (acquired by Tata Communications), and Kiptronic (acquired by Limelight Networks).
Palestrante CMC
Ron Tite | Founder and Chief Creative Officer | Church + State
Trained at the legendary Second City, Ron Tite has always blurred the lines between art and commerce. He has been an award-winning advertising writer and Creative Director for some of the world's most respected brands including Air France, Evian, Fidelity, Hershey, Johnson & Johnson, Kraft, Intel, Microsoft, Volvo and many others. Currently, Ron is Founder and CEO of Church+State, an agency that helps global brands unify content and advertising, and Editor-in-Chief of The Business Casual. Ron has written for television. Penned a children's book. Wrote, produced, and performed a hit play. Created a branded art gallery. And was Executive Producer and Host of the award-winning comedy show, Monkey Toast. In demand as a speaker on disruption, innovation, creativity and content marketing, Ron speaks to leading organizations all over the world about "Think. Do. Say", his own take on modern business. Ron's own book, Everyone's An Artist: Or At Least They Should Be (Co-written by Scott Kavanagh and Christopher Novais), was published by HarperCollins in 2016.
Palestrante CMC

Lindsay Tjepkema
Lindsay Tjepkema é CEO e cofundadora da Casted, a primeira Plataforma de Marketing Ampliada do mundo. Desde seu início em 2019, a Casted lidera um movimento de marketing com seu produto e uma nova categoria, Amplified Marketing, capacitando os profissionais de marketing a buscar criatividade e conexão, quantificando e maximizando o impacto nos negócios. Com uma vasta experiência prática e sucesso comprovado, Lindsay faz parte do Forbes Business Council e da Entrepreneur Leadership Network, onde compartilha sua experiência como fundadora e mulher na liderança de tecnologia.
Palestrante CMC

Tess Tregellas | Betches Media
Tess is a New York-based stand-up comedian, full-time video producer at Betches Media, improviser, musical comic, and cycle instructor. She’s not extra, she just loved her extra-curricular activities so much that she turned them into careers. After graduating with a BFA in Acting at Elon University, she moved to New York to pursue comedy. As well as performing as a stand-up comedian, she co-produces a comedy variety show called Spicy Medley that has had sold-out shows all over New York City. If she is not performing live, she is producing and directing vertices for social media or short films for festivals. Her vertical videos on Instagram and TikTok with over 1 million views, and songs like Hot Girl on A City Bike, Coolest Person in Brooklyn, and Hot Girl Walk. Her short films have been screened at festivals all over the country. She’s been featured on Funny or Die and has been cast multiple times in horror films as the character who gets lost in the woods, most notably in the feature Here On Out streaming on Amazon Prime.
Palestrante CMC

Beth Trejo
Beth Trejo é a líder, mentora, portadora da tocha, inovadora, fundadora e CEO da Chatterkick. Como uma empreendedora pioneira, Beth adora correr riscos, e começar a Chatterkick em 2012 foi o maior até agora. Desafiando as probabilidades de start-ups fundadas por mulheres bem-sucedidas, Beth não apenas prevaleceu, ela fez sua empresa crescer com uma equipe predominantemente feminina. Beth começou sua agência de mídia social com muitos objetivos em mente, como redefinir como as empresas se conectam com as pessoas e fornecer uma conexão humana no mundo digital. Mas ela também tinha o objetivo deliberado de promover o papel das mulheres na indústria de tecnologia e aumentar o potencial das mulheres Siouxland para criar uma mudança real na comunidade. Beth é mentora local de mulheres e organizações sem fins lucrativos porque acredita que a alta tecnologia oferece uma carreira gratificante e única – e lançou um podcast para conectar líderes femininas em todo o estado de Iowa. Ela incorpora sua paixão pelo cenário digital e pelas mídias sociais em quase todas as funções que conheceu, desde seu ofício como empreendedora e defensora de negócios locais até sua vocação como esposa e mãe de dois filhos conhecedores de tecnologia. Ela é gentil, ela é generosa e ela é uma força.
Palestrante CMC

Katie Tweedy
Começando sua carreira na Collective Measures há mais de uma década, Katie traz uma abordagem estratégica e genuinamente entusiasmada para todas as coisas SEO de conteúdo e marketing de conteúdo. Com experiência em marcas como Cargill, Land O'Lakes e Room & Board, Katie cria estratégias de conteúdo que maximizam a visibilidade da pesquisa e envolvem o público em toda a jornada do consumidor. Ela acredita firmemente que, quando se trata de conteúdo, tudo está enraizado em dados. Em outras palavras, ela combina ciência e narrativa para ajudar seus clientes a atingir seus objetivos de negócios.
Palestrante CMC

Giselle Ugarte
Giselle Ugarte is the Founder & CEO of Action-Forward, which exists to coach and support forward-facing influencers, entrepreneurs and thought leaders to use the power of social media to launch new revenue streams, amplify messages and attract meaningful communities. She has a collective following of more than 500,000 worldwide, with TikTok and Clubhouse currently serving as her favorite playgrounds to connect and share (TikTok recognized her as one of the Top 100 Women to Watch in 2021 and she's been featured in AdWeek and Business Insider for her work on Clubhouse.)
Palestrante CMC
Nikoletta Vecsei Harrold | Director of Communities Strategy and Social Media | Transamerica
Nikoletta (Niki) Vecsei Harrold is the Director of Communities Strategy and Social Media at Transamerica. She has over 10+ years experience in driving customer focused digital innovation with enterprise level and start-up companies alike. Originally from Europe, her decade long tenure in digital marketing spans across 2 continents and several industries including tech, retail and financial services. An avid advocate for breaking down communication silos to enhance customer experiences and connecting people with content, she blogs regularly on LinkedIn or her website: www.contentpotluck.com
Palestrante CMC

Daniel Waas | Sr. Director of Marketing, Multifamily | AppFolio, Inc.
Daniel is GoToWebinar's Director of Product Marketing. He's a digital B2B marketer with an undousable passion for and black belt in webinars. Daniel and his team are constantly experimenting with the cheeky goal of creating no less than the world's best webinar program. Outside work, Daniel is a geek at heart who loves LEGO, sci-fi and the occasional video game if time permits. Despite these severe dating handicaps, he was lucky enough to get married and even luckier to have a son & daughter.
Palestrante CMC

Tim Washer | CMO | Ridiculous Media LLC
Tim studied improv under Amy Poehler, comedy writing with The Colbert Report executive producer Tom Purcell, and has appeared on SNL, Conan O'Brien, Onion Sports Network, and HBO's Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. He's emceed events featuring Pixar CEO John Lasseter, Emmy-Winner Tony Hale (VEEP, Arrested Development) and Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu. Tim has performed at corporate events for IBM, Cisco, Deloitte, CDC, Google and The White House. His award-winning corporate work has been featured in The New York Times, WSJ, Ad Age, ADWEEK, and Fast Company. He has presented at Content Marketing World Sydney, SXSW, Harvard Business School and Forrester's CMO Council. He holds an MBA from McCombs at UT Austin, where he majored in PowerPoint.
Palestrante CMC

Tamsen Webster
As a professional "Idea Whisperer," Tamsen helps people find, build, and tell the stories of their ideas. She combined 20 years in brand and message strategy with four years as a TEDx Executive Producer to create The Red Thread®, a simple way to change how people see...and what they do as a result. (Though as she'll tell you, everything she knows about people, speaking, and change, she learned at Weight Watchers.) Today, Tamsen is a globe-hopping keynote speaker who consults with enterprise companies like Verizon, Johnson & Johnson, and State Street Bank on how to get their big ideas to have the impact they deserve.
Palestrante CMC

Sarah Weise | CEO & Lead Researcher | Bixa
Sarah Weise is the CEO of award-winning market research studio Bixa (bixaresearch.com) and the bestselling author of "InstaBrain: The New Rules for Marketing to Generation Z." For 15 years, Sarah has been a guide to hundreds of leading brands including Google, IBM, Capital One, Mikimoto, PBS, and Real Warriors, to name a few. Sarah helps brands achieve a laser-focus on their customers and build experiences that are downright addictive. She lectures at Georgetown University's McDonough School of Business on market research and user experience, and speaks at conferences and corporate events worldwide. For a free chapter of InstaBrain, visit sarahweise.com.
Palestrante CMC

Byron White | Chair | Content Marketing Conference
Byron is the founder and chair of Content Marketing Conference, and popular speaker, podcast and webinar host, and published author of a few books. Best described as a serial entrepreneur and one of the original content marketing revolutionaries, Byron currently focuses on growing WriterAccess, a Platform-as-a-Service he founded in 2010, now connecting 25,000+ customers with 15,000 freelance writers, editors, content strategists, and translators. When he's not working, rare indeed, you can find him traveling around the globe, experimenting with his Kalamazoo outdoor grill (you should see this thing), or golfing extremely early on Saturdays in New England, even with extreme weather conditions.
Palestrante CMC

Mike Wienke
Michael Wienke is a 20 year marketing veteran with experience leading content and creative development brainstorms for global brands like Microsoft, Coca-Cola and Bacardi Limited. He has a Master’s in Critical and Creative Thinking from the University of Massachusetts - Boston, where his thesis was on the development of a new organizational approach to brainstorming and innovation. He also has a Master’s of Business Administration from Webster University. In his current role, he is Director of Product Marketing and Sales Enablement for Mastercard Payment Gateway Services, where he works closely with the product, sales and B2B marketing organizations to provide compelling content to a growing list of global enterprise customers.
Palestrante CMC

AJ Wilcox | Consultor/Evangelista de Publicidade no LinkedIn | B2 Linked
AJ Wilcox é um profissional do LinkedIn Ads que fundou a B2Linked.com, uma agência específica do LinkedIn Ads, em 2014. Como parceiros oficiais do LinkedIn, eles gerenciam uma das contas de publicidade mais sofisticadas do mundo. Ele é ruivo e triatleta. Ele e sua esposa moram em Utah, com seus 4 filhos, e seu carro da empresa é um kart extremamente rápido.
Palestrante CMC

Liz Willits | Senior Content Marketing Specialist | AWeber
Liz Willits is a marketing expert, business owner, and conversion copywriter who guides the copy and content strategies of some of the fastest-growing tech companies in the world. She's worked in B2B SaaS marketing for nearly a decade and is a marketing instructor at the University of Vermont.
Palestrante CMC

Luan Wise
Luan Wise is a chartered marketer and fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (FCIM) with more than 20 years’ experience in agency, client-side, and consultancy roles. She has worked across a variety of industry sectors; for household names, award-winning institutions, and small but perfectly formed local businesses. A specialist in social media – Luan not only works directly with clients, but she is also a course instructor for LinkedIn’s online learning platform, a lead Blueprint trainer for Facebook and Instagram, and a coach for Google’s Digital Garage initiative. And she’s the author of the award-winning book Relax! It’s Only Social Media.
Palestrante CMC

Cody Wittick
Cody Wittick é co-fundador e co-CEO da Kynship, uma agência de marketing de influenciadores localizada em Orange County, CA. Antes de co-fundar a Kynship, Cody começou sua jornada na QALO, a marca que criou o anel de casamento de silicone. Ao longo de seu tempo lá, ele construiu um programa de influenciadores robusto de mais de 500 influenciadores, tudo através da base da propagação. Isso incluiu a contratação de milhares de microinfluenciadores em uma variedade de setores para produzir UGC mensal e posts orgânicos, além de trabalhar com nomes conhecidos como Lebron James, Jason Aldean, Mike Trout e Dale Earnhardt Jr. , ele viu o poder da capacidade do influenciador de criar confiança e, finalmente, vender produtos na publicidade do Facebook e do Instagram.
Palestrante CMC
Travis Wright | Author of Digital Sense, Co Host, Marketing Advisor, Member of the Board of Advisors, Business Mentor, Global KOL | John Wiley and Sons, Bad Crypto LLC, CoinGenius, MobiePay?, GrowthX Academy, Huawei Technologies
Travis Wright is a successful author, consultant, keynote speaker, entrepreneur, data & analytics geek, tech journalist, growth hacker, podcast host, and mediocre stand-up comic. He was the former global digital and social strategist at Symantec for the Norton brand, he was a Russian linguist in the US Army, he is the CMO of CCP.Digital, a Kansas City & SF-based digital ad & content agency, and the cofounder of DeepSee.io, an AI-powered startup that grades content, content creators, journalists, and politicians to help eliminate "fake news." Over the past 20 years, Wright has helped hundreds of B2B & B2C companies, from well-funded start-ups and SMBs to the Fortune 100. He is also a columnist at Inc. Magazine, podcast host of VentureBeat's VB Engage, and author of his first book with Wiley & Sons, Digital Sense, which published in January 2017.
Palestrante CMC

Jon Wuebben | Founder and CEO | Content Launch
Jon Wuebben is the Founder & CEO of Content Launch, the first complete content marketing platform built for digital marketing agencies & SMBs. Content Launch has produced content for over 700 companies since 2003. Jon has provided content strategy consultation for Konica Minolta, Intuit, Kimberly Clark, MicroAge and dozens of marketing agencies since 2005. Jon is the author of the 2017 book, "Future Marketing: Winning in the Prosumer Age". Jon's 2012 book, "Content is Currency: Developing Powerful Content for Web & Mobile", has been published in six countries worldwide. Jon has spoken at dozens of industry marketing conferences around the world and has been listed as a thought leader in the marketing industry by countless publications since 2008.
Palestrante CMC
Karen X Cheng | Founder | Wafffle
Karen X is a director with over 500 million views. She is the founder of Wafffle, a creative agency that has worked with brands like Beats by Dre, Apple, and Snapchat. She made her first viral video by accident when she quit Microsoft with a song. She was named Inc's 30 under 30 and Adweek's Creative 100. She also filmed herself learning to dance in a year and has a very convincing robot impression. The videos she's produced have appeared on NBC, Good Morning America, and Ellen. Karen has spoken at Google, Stanford, TedX, and many more.
Palestrante CMC

Jonathan Yaffe
Jonathan Yaffe é o CEO e cofundador da AnyRoad (que recentemente fechou sua Série B de US$ 47 milhões), uma plataforma de dados e análises que alimenta os dados por trás de muitas das experiências da Fortune 2000, incluindo Absolut, Kentucky Bourbon Trail, Michaels Arts & Artesanato, Honda e Diageo. Jonathan iniciou sua carreira em marketing experiencial na Red Bull e é formado em Ciências Cognitivas pela Universidade da Califórnia em Berkeley.
Palestrante CMC

Inbar Yagur | VP of Marketing | Trendemon
Inbar Yagur is the VP of Marketing at TrenDemon, helping empower content marketers with clear and actionable insights. Before TrenDemon, she helped write the rulebook for marketing on content discovery channels as the head of Creative Strategy for Taboola, working with brands and Fortune 500 companies. Her passion is speaking to content marketers: Educating them about best practices and strategies, and helping them troubleshoot and optimize efforts. Most importantly, she's a mother of 2, a rabid consumer of pop culture and politics, and a reciter of 90's SNL skits.
Palestrante CMC

Dennis Yu | CEO | BlitzMetrics
Dennis Yu is CEO of BlitzMetrics. He is an internationally recognized lecturer in Facebook marketing, having been featured on National Public Radio, TechCrunch, Fox News, AllFacebook, CBS Evening News, and KTLA-TV. He has spoken at Search Marketing Expo, Search Engine Strategies, Web 2.0, The American Marketing Association, PubCon, Conversational Commerce Conference, Pacific Conferences, HostingCon, Affiliate Summit, Affiliate Convention, UltraLight Startups, and other venues. Yu has also counselled the Federal Trade Commission on privacy issues for social networks. Dennis has held leadership positions at Yahoo! and American Airlines. His educational background is Finance and Economics from Southern Methodist University and London School of Economics.
CMC 2021 and CMC 365 Agenda
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