Soaring over the B2B landscape–what is that? It’s LinkedIn Man!
Given the superpower of laser targeting professionals on LinkedIn, from a tragic go-kart accident, AJ Wilcox vanquishes the foe of expensive clicks.
Wielding his powerful weapons of and Excel, he strives for high engagement rates, highly-targeted audiences, and retargeting technologies to conquer the enemy High CPCs.
Daily, he and his team fight to drive the most valuable leads for sales teams in distress. Never before have lead scoring meters peaked so high, and the affectionate executive staff sounded such praise towards heroic marketers.
Will LinkedIn Man ever relent? Is he capable of slowing down? No! His laser-targeting vision gets stronger by the day!

Let’s learn more about CMC Speaker LinkedIn Man AJ Wilcox:

What special skills and superpowers do you have and where did you get them?
Special laser vision, which enables him to target professionals with extreme accuracy. A tragic go-kart incident.
What are your favorite content marketing weapons (tools) that help you win the battle?’s automated rules and logic is his main weapon. Excel is his shield.
Who is your arch-enemy and how do you recommend they be conquered?
High ad costs are the enemy, and they’re defeated by high engagement, micro-targeting, and strategic retargeting campaigns!
In 2014 AJ founded An agency that specializes in account management and consulting on LinkedIn’s ad platform.
His team manages among the most sophisticated advertising accounts worldwide.
Learn more about AJ Wilcox here, and don’t forget to take advantage of the CMC early-bird registration rate ending today!