Can we just pause for a moment and really think about what content innovation is?

Innovation is a new method or idea, or in this case, content ideas. So content innovation means to find new ways of creating, sharing and accessing it.

Now, if you were Storm how would you go about blowing and striking lightning bolts in order to make your content more innovative?


Summon the Arctic Winds

When you create content and it’s slamming and worth all the gold in the world, you are doing well.

But then that content is created and shared, and maybe shared again, and then what? Where do you go from here? According to Storm you should summon the Arctic winds.

Instead of letting that lowly piece of content go out into the world wide web by itself, treat it like those Russian nesting dolls.

Start with one great piece of content and either make it larger or make it smaller. If you go with the larger route, you’ll be working to build a more comprehensive resource.

Maybe you can turn it into a series, or upgrade the content by turning it into a chapter of an e-book that you will give away for free on your site.

If you make your content smaller, look for ways to repurpose it:

  • Share it on social media in more ways than the moon has sides. Each burst should be carefully crafted for that particular outlet whether it be Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook. Then wait a while, as in at least a couple of weeks, and share it all over again!
  • Guest post your insights on other industry relevant websites.
  • Break up the points in your article, blog post or infographic, and branch out by creating entire works of content based on these points.
  • Go back through ancient content and breathe new life into it with fresh research and resources. You might even conjure up an innovative idea or three for some new content.

Here’s what happens when you keep content moving.

It’s like a starfish that just regenerates leg after leg after leg. It’s never ending, and it’s the best way to get the most value out of your content. Storm would be proud.

Deliver the Lightning

In the form of an app! This is Storm’s secret weapon for content innovation.

While your villainous competitors are working on their infographics and YouTube videos and blog posts, your marketing ploy is to make an app for your business.

Apps connect you to users who would otherwise never find you. Spend some time developing the content that will attract app users. It’s the next greatest marketing move.

According to Biz Community a recent MasterCard story about the 2Kuze app revealed something interesting.

It is increasingly common to go to your apps to find information needed, such as local restaurant listings or recipes for vegans.

Imagine being able to develop and market an app that further increases the reach of all of your content starfish with its many legs.


A Ward of Words

If you’re looking for a ward of words, rather than a ward of rain thanks to Storm, consider the journey to Content Marketing Conference 2017.

Of course, being in Beantown in April for CMC means there’s always a chance for a good rain storm.