Andrew Davis has produced for NBC, has appeared in The New York Times, and even worked for the Muppets. What’s next up for this bestselling author, keynote speaker, and global business leader and influencer? Content Marketing Conference, of course!

Don’t miss out on Andrew’s Speaker Q&A:


Q: What excites you most about presenting at CMC18?
A: I’ve only heard about how awesome CMC is from tons of marketing friends, so I’m most excited about experiencing it for myself. Sure, I’m excited to speak and do a video workshop, but I’m even more excited about seeing Josh Bernoff’s session about Truth & Influence (as well as dozens of others). The hardest part about a great event is choosing which sessions you can’t afford to miss.

Q: Why is NOW the time to master content marketing?
A: I think it should be clear by now that Content Marketing isn’t going away, and with video being such a huge opportunity, I don’t think there’s a better time to dive into video content marketing than right now.

Q: What does it take to connect with customers today—and how can great content do that?
A: You need three things to connect with a customer today: an appointment with your audience, a person attached to the content you create, and the insight to fill a content hole in the marketplace.

Q: If there was just one thing you could convince all content marketers to do, what would that be?
A: The biggest challenge facing content marketers today is determining what to STOP doing so they can do something more effective. If I could convince content marketers to pick one thing RIGHT NOW and stop doing it right now, they’d be taking the first best next step.


Learn more about Andrew and his CMC workshop, Makeover de marketing de vídeo, which will delight audiences on May 2 from 8:00am – 12:00pm.