Have you ever read a piece of content and wondered what the hell? One word – BORING! There’s a reason why writers infuse comedy into their content. Nothing beats a smile or a quick nod of acknowledgement when the audience “gets” it. That’s why the CMC has an entire lineup of comedians to give you insight and the confidence to hilariously grow your business.

If you’re wondering what’s going to happen during these comedy keynotes, you’re in for a real surprise. The object of the game is to learn, laugh and laugh some more. We know these sessions are full of information, but it can also give you serious brain overload. Lightening things up will help you smile all day, remember great one-liners and start thinking about how you’re going to sharpen your comedic skills.

So, who’s on deck?

Sarah Cooper, Andrew Davis, David Nihill, Tim Washer, Michael Albanese, Andrew Tarvin, Nadya Khoja, Don McMillan and Ron Tite. Now try saying that really fast and see what happens. Their goal? Showing you how to earn trust, build brand loyalty and gain new readers through engaging and funny content.

Yes, we’ve got Don McMillan!

Don McMillan’s the Chief Comedy Officer at Technically Funny. What’s even funnier? He has a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. That means he can make you laugh e fix your computer. In 1993, he was the $100,000 Comedy Grand Champion on Star Search and was named the #1 Corporate Comedian by CBS Business Network (no stiff shirts here)!

The team at WriterAccess knows and understands how comedy can make the toughest critics take a different perspective. The goal is to have you learn from the best and laugh while doing it. It takes a special writer to continuously engage their readers and keep them coming back for more, and one of the best ways to do it is through comedy.  

Now you have nine reasons to come back to learn and crack a smile or two. Wait – there’s more! Did you think we’re all work and no play? You’ll have a chance to network and unwind at the reception and comedy club. Don’t miss it – you never know where you’ll find your next piece of material or inspiration.

Comedy makes the world a better place

Doesn’t it? In this case, it’s going to make the conference a better place – one where you and the people around you will understand how comedy really helps content work. Are you ready? Hopefully you’ve registered for the conference by now, but if not, there’s still time! It’s not over ‘til the Fat Lady sings … or cracks a joke. We can’t wait to see you! This year’s Content Marketing Conference in Boston April 21-23 is poised to be one for the books. Will you be a part of history? What are you waiting for? Get moving now!


Allaire W.‘s expertise spans a variety of industries that include business, academic, legal, literary, entertainment, social media and niche marketing content. She has written content on almost every subject you can imagine and relies on her ability to assess an idea and create strong content that works. Allaire loves editorial work and and serves as a consultant for small and mid-sized businesses in the areas of content management and brand building. Allaire is an avid reader and writer with a passion for the written word. A published author, she sings for enjoyment with a metropolitan mass choir, loves to dance and teaches workshops on a variety of subjects while indulging her passion for all things fashion.