por Content Marketing Conference | abr 20, 2015 | CRIAÇÃO DE CONTEÚDO
In his book On Writing, Stephen King advocates for closing yourself into an office or closet daily, allowing no interruptions, and pounding away at a keyboard or laptop until your story takes shape. Unfortunately, what works for novelists and creative writers...
por Content Marketing Conference | abr 15, 2015 | PLANEJAMENTO DE CONTEÚDO, Content Strategy
Having a winning content strategy takes time, research and the right tactics that deliver. Knowing how to craft that strategy can help you direct traffic to your site and provide growth for your brand. What are the elements of a good content strategy? The elements are...
por Content Marketing Conference | abr 10, 2015 | CRIAÇÃO DE CONTEÚDO
Consider the title of this article – what does it say? Chances are it will contain tips on writing quality content, but it’s what’s in those parentheses that really kicks the mental motor into high gear. At a glance, you know that there are two other...
por Content Marketing Conference | abr 7, 2015 | CRIAÇÃO DE CONTEÚDO, Content Strategy
The sweet spot of content shifts with every Google update, every layout change, every shift in demographic direction. Finding a consistent starting point can be difficult, but establishing a framework is invaluable for encouraging visitors to frequent a site, as well...
por Content Marketing Conference | abr 5, 2015 | Otimização de conteúdo
Your marketing outreach should cover multiple channels, but their level of connection is as important as their individual content. Interlinking between social media platforms, supporting informative articles with how-to videos and providing a rich content experience...