The Lost Ball Golf Tournament
Conference Chair Byron White battled cancer back in 1992. So impressed with his experience at Boston’s Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, he founded the Lost Ball Golf Tournament that raised more than $100,000 for cancer research over a 10 year time period. All conference attendees and guests to play and help raise funds for The Jimmy Fund.
Register Now
Location: Royal Links Golf Club

Visit to view a few of the invitations sent out over the years.
Dozens of signed sports balls by professional athletes have been donated and auctioned off.
Simply sign up and we’ll pair you up, or organize your own foursome or group.
The cost of the tournament will be $250 per person, a fully tax deductible donation.

The 18 hole tournament will be a best ball format for each foursome.
Prizes and awards for best and worst teams, closest to the pin, long drive and more.
A cocktail reception and award ceremony will follow at the RIO Welcome Reception.
Any and all attendees and guest will be invited to play or volunteer. Limited availability.

Lost Ball Golf Tournament
In addition to starting a half-dozen successful companies, Byron’s most proud of the success of the Lost Ball Golf tournament that’s raised awareness for early cancer detection and $100,000 for The Jimmy Fund.
Freelance Access
Freelance Access was the very first company Byron started way back in 1992. Showcasing graphic artists by their resumes made no sense. So Byron launched the Portfolio Access System. The company grew like crazy and was acquired by Aquent in 1998.

Remember the web’s early stages way back in 2000? That’s when ideaLaunch was born. It’s now the hub business celebrating 15 years of success transforming ideas into flourishing businesses, one at a time.
The very first launch for ideaLaunch was LifeTips, an online portal offering 120,000 tips, 50 books in print and 350 podcasts enjoyed by millions of readers, listeners and fans. A life coach directory was added later to give knowledge-seekers an even bigger boost for finding the answers in life.

Content 6
Content 6 was a full-service content marketing agency serving 100+ clients like WalMart, SalesForce, The Company Store, Iron Mountain and many others. With demand for content creation exceeding supply, Byron built the WriterAccess platform and shifted focus.
Content 6 customers demanded a return for their investment in content marketing. Byron and team launched WordVision to track the impact of content published on the web. The software was later rolled into WriterAccess, and is now a free resource for WA customers.

The top business for Byron’s team is WriterAccess, now celebrating its fifth year of operation. WriterAccess made the Inc. 5000 List of fastest-growing companies in 2014. The fertile online marketplace connects more than 12,000+ customers with 10,000+ writers.
Content Marketing Conference
Rising Media selected Byron White to host CMC. He’s one of the original content marketing revolutionaries, published author on the topic and popular speaker at lots of conference and shows.